The project is written with delphi program microcontroller used USB interface Pic18f2550 control through a variety of commands on the card may be sent 4 channel button input, 4-channel led output, 2 x 16 lcd article submission etc. Pic18f2550, including delphi source code and project files have the proteus isis 7.6
Source: technologuepro.com/montages-electroniques/Interface-USB-PIC18F2550-19.html
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-18950.zip
Published: 2012/05/22 Tags: microchip projects, microcontroller projects, pic18f2550 projects
Adjustable Power Supply Circuit 0 30V LCD
Power supply circuit consists of a few sections 04 to 0 30v power supply based on solid TL081 op amp circuit 2N3055 power transistor quite popular and a classic by many people applied. LCD display on the floor (AVT2857) the ATmega8 microcontroller used voltage, current imaging as well as the DS18B20 sensor heat thanks değerinide Viewing writer in addition to constant 12v 5v output as add in, this output for the PC power supply use would be more practical for the project PCB, schematics and source code files There