Several automation, control circuits I’ve seen, but so far so many features to an existing application the first time I met with microcontroller plc have done .. especially smart home alarm or for different projects that can be used for a circuit on the card has 8 channels via these channels a variety of devices control can be computer connection is provided via the serial port have programs for win7 and xp on the bright side of this program in C + + source code through there.
Half PIC16F877, pic16f873, pic16f874, pic16f876 microcontroller used one. Preamble to the LM335, NTC, reed relays, etc.. bağlanabiliyorayrı TSOP series IR receiver in a lot of things can be controlled by connecting the PIC software seemed a bit confused when viewed as an assembly-crafted card, but is more easily understood diagram .
Source: udelmas.chez.com/home_api_2004.html alternative programmable-automation-pic16f87x-electronic-plc-circuit.rar
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-18339.zip
Published: 2012/01/13 Tags: microchip projects, microcontroller projects, pic16f876 projects, pic16f877 projects
Computer Controlled Robot Project CD Rom Modification
What is being done from a CD-ROM when the CD ROM is actually a normal show details in the order given to the electronic components as well for the construction of the robot has a lot of useful mechanical parts. The author has set up the printer parts and robot have done a very good system L293 is used for motor control circuits based on PIC16F628 pic prepared for computer control and java java applet source code shared.