1.3 MHz 31MHz Antenna Analyzer circuit based on Pic16f873a microcontroller is able to measure between the frequencies of 1.3 MHz 31MHz 2 x 16 lcd on the frequency, omaj, swr, etc displays the information. Antenna Specifications of C source code and pcb, schema, etc. have the drawings.
Source: sp2jjh.republika.pl/VK5JST.htm
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-19461.zip
Published: 2012/08/11 Tags: microchip projects, microcontroller projects
HCS12 MC9S12DP512 Development Board
Motorola HCS12 Series Development Board MC9S12DP512 designed I’ve seen MC9S12DP512 car in the brain , the airbag control is used mostly used in industrial applications obviously not much information about but about the people that would work for simple convenient assay development board when I found I wanted to share .. the card’s PCB and chart drawing esgl to There is also a sample project done by drawing on resources ( portB billing ) given ..
Author HCS12 Series C or assembly language software will be promoted on MC9S12DP512 CodeWarrior IDE and programming, debugging the P & E USB Multilink mention of the device can be used
General features MC9S12DP512