Made with PIC16F873 microcontroller calculator project .. keypad buttons are used for standard HD44780 LCD assembly prepared with the software. Asm. Hex code there. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, decimal and hexadecimal number systems, computing the square root, the inverse value of arithmetic operations can be done and why.
source: elektro-shemi.ru alternative link:
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-22824.zip
Published: 2014/03/10 Tags: microchip projects, microcontroller projects
Disco Light Effects System with PIC16F876
It is a circuit for the circuit only show animation, colored lights and sound in proportion to the severity of a circuit to change the animation speed, also have created this. Usually known as disco effects, disco lights, etc..
Mounted to the surface in the form of a circle of colorful glass circuit stepper motor on the wall thanks to the lens color images that leading utility was and is being created.
PIC16F873 mit LCD Bildschirm Rechner Schaltkreis
Gemacht mit PIC16F873-mikrocontroller-Rechner-Projekt .. Tastatur-Tasten sind für standard HD44780 LCD-Montage vorbereitet mit der software. Asm. Hex-code. Addition, Subtraktion, Multiplikation, division, Dezimalzahlen und hexadezimal-Zahl-Systeme, Berechnung der Quadratwurzel, Kehrwert des arithmetischen Operationen getan werden kann und warum.