PIC16F628 Multi-Mode Encoder, Counter Circuits CCS C

| July 16, 2023 Updated
PIC16F628 Multi-Mode Encoder, Counter Circuits CCS C

Hello friends, I have done well to share with you the counter circuits as functions istedim.kısa tell. There are three mode of counter:

enc: millimeter accuracy in the measurement is made. The value is set in the output data.
Counter: Counts the amount is set at the value of the output data.
disp: Meter makes measurement, shows decimeter accuracy

You can connect to the encoder input, interrupt b0 rises from 0 to 1 at the moment in a direction B output is 0 if one is going in the other direction. I do not know, but these commands can be prepared from the PLC logic business benefits

example of output at a low level to high levels (Low-to-High) transition in the B output of availability if one direction while rotating B-> LOW other direction while rotating B-> HIGH so that it becomes the direction in which return you will understand that the output of the Low-to-High transitions a If B is looking at the state variable increases HIGH, LOW detract from the

Note: PIC16F628 Set the frequency of 20MHz.

PIC16F628 Counter Circuits Schematics

encoder-devre-semasi-150x150 pic16f628-sayici-encoder-150x150

To be @ Picproj forum’s sharing all of the source files in hex ​​isis simulation eagle pcb’s ccs c code and other files

PIC16F628 Counter Encoder Manual

encoder-sayici-manual-150x150 encoder-sayici-manual-kilavuz-150x150

PIC16F628 Multi-Mode Encoder proteus isis simulation schematic proteus ares pcb and CCS C source code files download:

PIC16F628 Multi-Mode Encoder, Counter Circuits CCS C

Şifre-Pass: 320volt.com

Published: 2009/01/26 Tags: , , ,

1 Comment “PIC16F628 Multi-Mode Encoder, Counter Circuits CCS C

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