A simple thermometer circuit display used to display the value of the temperature sensing for 10 k ntc also relay output the relay can be backed by sustained with the transistor has very little material can be accomplished with
Thermometer Circuit Schematic
Thermometer Circuit Assembly code
list p=pic16c74 __config h'3ffa' ;HS crystal, 20Mhz include; temp equ 0x20 target equ 0x21 ;target temp value to trigger relay targdly equ 0x22 ;used to pause display when setting target flag equ 0x23 cntr equ 0x24 ; org 0 ;reset vector goto start ;go to beginning of program on reset ; org 4 btfsc PIR1,TMR1IF ;timer 1 overflowed? goto timer1 retfie ; start movlw 0xbf ;'-' segment value movwf PORTB ;set output movwf PORTD ;latches to initial value clrf PORTA ;clear port a latches bsf STATUS,RP0 ;select register bank 1 clrf PIE1 ;disable all peripheral interrupts bsf TRISC,0 ;RC0 needs to be input for osc to function bsf PIE1,TMR1IE ;enable TMR1 int movlw b'00000011' ;RA0=A/D input, RA1=A/D input, RA2=Relay output movwf TRISA ;porta all input/analog clrf TRISB ;PORTB/PORTD output to 7-segment LEDs clrf TRISD movlw 0x04 ;RA0 and RA1 Analog, RA2 Digital, Vref=Vdd movwf ADCON1 ;set bcf STATUS,RP0 ;select register bank 0 bcf T1CON,TMR1ON ;timer 1 not on movlw 0x80 ;TIM1H:TIM1L = 0x8000 = 1sec movwf TMR1H clrf TMR1L clrf INTCON ;disable all interrupts clrf PIR1 ;clear all falgs movlw 0x0e ;T1CKPS1 (Prescale) = 1, T1OSCEN (osc shutoff) = enabled movwf T1CON ;T1SYNC (ext clk input) = no sync, TMR1CS = external bsf INTCON,PEIE ;enable peripheral interrupts bsf INTCON,GIE ;enable global ints call getAD1 ;get target temp value movwf target ;save for compare clrf targdly ;clear target display counter clrf flag ;to tell which a/d to perform, RA0 or RA1 bsf T1CON,TMR1ON ;turn timer on sleep goto $-1 ; timer1 bcf PIR1,TMR1IF ;clear flag bcf INTCON,GIE ;disable all ints movlw 0x01 ;halfadd value xorwf flag,1 ;compute operation to perform movf flag,0 addwf PCL,1 ;go to proper routine goto trgsamp goto temsamp trgsamp call getAD1 ;get target value movwf temp subwf target,0 ;check it btfsc STATUS,Z ;zero set if equal, same target goto timerx movf temp,0 ;get new target value movwf target movlw 0x01 movwf flag ;do trigger sample next go around also goto dispit temsamp call getAD0 ;get RA0 thermister value movwf temp subwf target,0 btfss STATUS,C bsf PORTA,2 ;trigger relay, temp has reached goal dispit movlw .186 subwf temp,0 ;end of table values btfsc STATUS,C goto valerr ;error, value out of range movlw .98 ;base of table values subwf temp,0 btfss STATUS,C ;if carry clear then goto valerr ;error, value out of range call temptab ;convert to temp setleds movwf temp andlw 0x0f call ledtab movwf PORTB swapf temp,0 andlw 0x0f call ledtab movwf PORTD timerx bcf PIR1,TMR1IF ;clear flag movlw 0x80 movwf TMR1H clrf TMR1L retfie ;enable ints and return to sleep valerr movlw 0xaa ;0x0a is disp in ledtab to special out of range value goto setleds getAD0 movlw b'10000001' ;fosc/32, chan0 (RA0), ADON adconv movwf ADCON0 clrf cntr decfsz cntr,1 goto $-1 clrf cntr decfsz cntr,1 goto $-1 bsf ADCON0,GO btfsc ADCON0,NOT_DONE ;check if A/D complete goto $-1 movf ADRES,0 clrf ADCON0 ;clear reg and shutdown AD logic return getAD1 movlw b'10001101' ;fosc/32, chan1 (RA1), GO, ADON goto adconv ; ; 7-segment conversion ; ledtab addwf PCL,1 retlw 0xc0 ;0 retlw 0xfc ;1 retlw 0x92 ;2 retlw 0x98 ;3 retlw 0xac ;4 retlw 0x89 ;5 retlw 0x81 ;6 retlw 0xdc ;7 retlw 0x80 ;8 retlw 0x8c ;9 retlw 0xbf ;- ; ;tempature table ; temptab addwf PCL,1 retlw 0x99 ;98 retlw 0x98 ;99 retlw 0x98 ;100 retlw 0x97 ;101 retlw 0x96 ;102 retlw 0x95 ;103 retlw 0x94 ;104 retlw 0x93 ;105 retlw 0x93 ;106 retlw 0x92 ;107 retlw 0x91 ;108 retlw 0x90 ;109 retlw 0x89 ;110 retlw 0x89 ;111 retlw 0x88 ;112 retlw 0x87 ;113 retlw 0x86 ;114 retlw 0x86 ;115 retlw 0x85 ;116 retlw 0x85 ;117 retlw 0x84 ;118 retlw 0x83 ;119 retlw 0x82 ;120 retlw 0x81 ;121 retlw 0x80 ;122 retlw 0x80 ;123 retlw 0x79 ;124 retlw 0x78 ;125 retlw 0x78 ;126 retlw 0x77 ;127 retlw 0x76 ;128 retlw 0x76 ;129 retlw 0x75 ;130 retlw 0x74 ;131 retlw 0x73 ;132 retlw 0x72 ;133 retlw 0x71 ;134 retlw 0x70 ;135 retlw 0x70 ;136 retlw 0x69 ;137 retlw 0x69 ;138 retlw 0x68 ;139 retlw 0x67 ;140 retlw 0x67 ;141 retlw 0x66 ;142 retlw 0x65 ;143 retlw 0x64 ;144 retlw 0x63 ;145 retlw 0x62 ;146 retlw 0x62 ;147 retlw 0x61 ;148 retlw 0x60 ;149 retlw 0x59 ;150 retlw 0x59 ;151 retlw 0x58 ;152 retlw 0x58 ;153 retlw 0x57 ;154 retlw 0x56 ;155 retlw 0x55 ;156 retlw 0x54 ;157 retlw 0x53 ;158 retlw 0x53 ;159 retlw 0x52 ;160 retlw 0x51 ;161 retlw 0x51 ;162 retlw 0x50 ;163 retlw 0x49 ;164 retlw 0x49 ;165 retlw 0x48 ;166 retlw 0x47 ;167 retlw 0x46 ;168 retlw 0x45 ;169 retlw 0x44 ;170 retlw 0x44 ;171 retlw 0x43 ;172 retlw 0x42 ;173 retlw 0x41 ;174 retlw 0x40 ;175 retlw 0x39 ;176 retlw 0x39 ;177 retlw 0x38 ;178 retlw 0x37 ;179 retlw 0x37 ;180 retlw 0x36 ;181 retlw 0x35 ;182 retlw 0x34 ;183 retlw 0x33 ;184 retlw 0x32 ;185 retlw 0x32 ;186 end
Published: 2009/02/02 Tags: microchip projects, microcontroller projects, pic assembly example
Amphometer Circuit PIC16F84 Measure the Speed
PIC16F84 speed calculation circuit 16f84 based on the software assembly-crafted in the speed measurement as a sensor LDR used sensors aralara of the object in the transition delay by calculating the display on the instantaneous speed writes pic assembly asm code and protel prepared by the printed circuit board files available
This is the circuit for the Amphometer