Relay control circuit is built on a computer via the rs232 port com pic16f628 microcontroller RF modules (433 mhz) can be controlled wirelessly with 8 relay with rs232 communication max232 project belongs to isis simulation and ares pcb drawings source picbasic codes. One of the buttons while the other two have the control program with sound control. No information about the volume control button on the project, which has been tested.
Sharing makes the Powerball forums @BiqaLi
pcrf\pc programlar\pcrf (pc) folder in which to copy the file into c:\windows\system32 called mscomm32. then
We run the program called pcrf, and we select our cards to the appropriate attribute from the seçenğini the screen warning saying yes to com1 of the circuit we wanted to establish a remote connection with the computer
There are two LEDs on the card any energy verdğimizde Yates
When we say yes while the other led and computer connectivity with means provided
then the pc programindan 1/0 konumlarina bringing you can pull the relays.
the circuit completely.
circuit design program @umut WINS resource www.digitalruh.com
circuit pcb design @mert53
circuit trial-review @ biqali
Source: elektrobilim.org
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-18688.zip
Published: 2012/03/21 Tags: microchip projects, microcontroller projects, pic16f628 projects, picbasic pro examples
Simple RGB Led Strip Effect Circuit
Circuit ne555 and 74393 circuits based on single piece is tested with the rgb led Strip Ribbon if you want to use more than the output of the led with the necessary tubing circuit transistors used in 12v 74393 works with the integration of LEDs with 100 k potentiometer connected to 555 speed can be adjusted. The circuit works for sure on the perforated plate printing circuit diagram and list of materials.
RGB Led Strip Effect Circuit test