Nokia phone lcd circuits are made beautiful with the old phone is good for this job 🙂 evaluate Proteus model file for this type of study can be useful
There are two buy two degrees of application notes given for the PIC16F877 is carried out with CCs
Proteus 6.3 SP1 is not installed on your system, isis schema.sec file by clicking on the File menu, select Import birefringence in older versions, thus scheme will also work.
Proteus simulation 3310 LCD Library PICBasic, CCS C Application files:
Proteus isis 3310 LCD Library PICBasic PRO, CCS C Application
Åžifre-Pass: 320volt.com
Published: 2008/06/19 Tags: ccs c examples, microchip projects, microcontroller projects, pic16f877 projects, picbasic pro examples
PIC16F84 Midi 32-channel decoder circuit
Midi 32-channel decoder circuit made ​​with PIC16F84 microcontroller pic çoklanıp with 74LS574 outputs given the output circuit uln2803 12v dc and dc 5v (integrated supply) is working with a list of materials and source code are printed circuit boards. PIC assembly prepared with the software.
PIC16F84 32-outputs MIDI Decoder