MC34063A Up, Step Down to a simple handy converter IC − DCDC mc3406a calculation tool I used had a problem with this program I have shared this search is doing a more detailed calculation of the variations of the circuit to be used can be selected fast diode, etc.
MC34063 Switching Controller Universal Calculator
If you ever worked with the MC34063 Switching Controller, you know what a pain it is to calculate all the part values. This tool is an universal tool to help you with this process. You can calculate any standard application, such as step-up, step-down, inverting and step-up-down. PS: I would be happy about any (positive xD) reviews as well as any bugreports, comments or feature requests that you might have!
source: alternative link:
Published: 2013/11/07 Tags: dc dc converter circuit, electronics software tools
Dremel 4000 With hand-made Table saw
Hand-made circular saws before projects were based on the reference to the Proxxon Bandsaw to cut circular saw Assembly and PCB in this study, hobby, shop in the popular Dremel 4000 is also used as a template for all of the measures established for sawing machine mechanism can be used with the printer output is given. On the bright side, all the necessary materials for the author saw machine made with the dremel 4000 again:)
Programm für die Berechnung MC34063A MC33063A
MC34063A Up, Step-Down, um ein einfaches handy converter IC − DCDC mc3406a Berechnung tool, das ich verwendet hatte ein problem mit diesem Programm habe ich geteilt haben, diese Suche ist dabei eine detaillierte Berechnung der Variationen der Schaltung verwendet werden, können ausgewählt werden schnelle dioden, etc.
çıkış volt 9 / 14vta 200ma akımı geçmiyor bayılıyor,bobini değiştirdim değişmedi,r1 0.22 direç değiştirdim zaman entegre ısınıyor korumaya alıyor ,yükte çıkış 3vta düşüyor,ne yapmam gereikiyorki 1000ma akıma ulaşabilmek için