A small step down switching converter with a good yield which advantageously replace a linear regulator like 7805. efficiency 30% Linear 7805 efficiency Switching LT1076 80%
LT1076 Step-Down Switching integred Regulator 100kHz Switching Frequency 8.5mA Quiescent Current Programmable Current Limit Shutdown Mode
5V DC DC Converter LT1076 Schematic
Source: f6csx.free.fr LT1076 DC DC Converter circuit pcb, schematic proteus ares, isis files:
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-25306.zip
PIC16F876 Control of 8 Servos Motor 5 Analog Channels I2C bus
Microcontroller PIC16F876 4Mhz Controlled by the I2C slave module and analog servos technical report describes the design, both from the electronic point of view, as a computer control board for I2C bus 8 standard radio control servos, and 5 analog inputs (analog / digital conversion). The main characteristics of the module are presented as follows:
Acts as Slave by allowing you to select the address dip switches used in the I2C network.
It can be set by both the desired I2C bus position of each servo, as the direction of rotation and the Offset.
Can be read by the I2C bus corresponding to any of the 5 analog inputs of the digital value available (8 bits).
PIC16F876 Servo Motor Control I2C bus Schematic
LT1076 Step-Down von 12V auf 5V 2A DC-DC Converter
Eine kleine step-down switching-Konverter mit einer guten Ausbeute, die vorteilhaft ersetzen eine lineare Spannungsregler wie 7805. Effizienz 30% Linearen 7805 Effizienz Switching LT1076 80%