Magnetic Levitation Circuit

| July 9, 2023 Updated
Magnetic Levitation Circuit

These coilguns with levitation control circuits are great! Now… How can you use them for magnetic levitation? This is slightly off-topic from coilguns, but magnetic levitation has many common design principles and is a little easier to build!

If you hold two permanent magnets close together, you see that one of them will jump strongly toward (or away) from the other. In 1842, Samuel Earnshaw expressed the perversity of inanimate magnetic objects in his theorem. It explains this frustrating behavior will always prevent you from suspending one permanent magnet above or below another, no matter how one arranges the two magnets. However, an active control circuit can get around this problem by rapidly adjusting the magnet’s strength.


Source: Magnetic Levitation Circuit alternartive link:

Magnetic Levitation Circuit


Published: 2008/06/17 Tags:

1 Comment “Magnetic Levitation Circuit

  1. Electronics CircuitsElectronics Circuits

    1Km Fm transmitter circuit 741 op amp

    Fm transmitter circuit 741 op-amp integrated based on a simple, stable FM transmitter circuit 9-volt battery is working with the adapter, can be used but 9v battery to a cleaner source .. author 30cm tall telescopic antenna used instead of electronics store located in the radio antenna used L1 coil of a pen on the 1 mm wire windings to be wound round 2 of 4 .3 mm range will be all ranges must be the same ….


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