L200 LM2577 Regulated Lithium Polymer Battery Balance Charger Circuit

| August 28, 2023 Updated
L200 LM2577 Regulated Lithium Polymer Battery Balance Charger Circuit

Specifically, model, model jobs for people dealing with the charging circuit is very important to work in a makette electronic systems used in Cordless batteries now models lipo (lithium polymer) are popular.

This charger for charging the batteries evenly balanced circuit must balance balancing system the following circuit with 3 pieces of lipo battery rechargeable current limitation I have switched to fast-charge and charge indicator.

13.6 V where we get good, that is where the circuit comes first solution, we use an elevator to the LM2577 voltage switching

As the objective is to use the airfield, was taken into account that are alimentation 12V. In principle this value of voltage is not enough to charge a 3S pack because if we charge 100% of the necessary tension “in the pack” will be 12.6V and therefore the input voltage, as it is a linear regulator, should be at least 1V above.

The circuit for the charger harmonization is based on the above, it is not exactly the same as some values ​​change, and takes some more diodes in conjunction with a preset for regularle the output voltage (thus have to be the “ADJ “)

LiPo Battery Balance Charger Circuit


The above circuit 3 used from the same circuit based on lm2903 opamp and irfz48n MOSFET integrated circuit supply voltage is at the entrance of the LM2577 regulator circuit has performed with and l200. LiPo charging circuit pcb printed circuit board prepared with eagle’s schema files.



Lithium Polymer Battery balancer charger circuit files alternetive link:

L200 LM2577 Regulated Lithium Polymer Battery Balance Charger Circuit

Şifre-Pass: 320volt.com

Published: 2010/01/23 Tags: ,

1 Comment “L200 LM2577 Regulated Lithium Polymer Battery Balance Charger Circuit

  1. Electronics CircuitsElectronics Circuits

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