The Solar Panel Regulator measures the voltage or charging current on your solar cell and cuts off the energy of the panel to stop overcharging. It works with 12V or 24V systems.
The screen with 3.5 digit liquid crystal display is driven by ICL7106. This integrated is used in many measuring instruments in the market, thanks to the switch on the circuit, either current or voltage information is displayed on the screen. Solar Panel Regulator circuit is used in 80w panel.
The pcb (.ddb) design of the Solar Panel Regulator circuit was prepared with protel.
Solar Panel Regulator Project
Source: http://www.siliconchip.com.au/cms/A_103353/article.html
12V 24V Solar Panel Regulator schematic PCB alternative link:
Şifre-Pass: 320volt.com
Published: 2008/09/04 Tags: power electronic projects
PIC16F88 Tachometer Circuit LED and Display Indicator
Tachometer circuit 12v dc supply voltage LEDs used for the supply of silicon chip MC34063 LM2940 applications for the pic 16ff88 Switched likes to use power resources