Thermometer circuit LM35 temperature sensor with 2 PIC16F88 based on temperature information kc0108 128 × 64 graphic LCD displays on
Very simple thermometer with PIC16F88, two LM35 sensors and KS0108 graphic LCD. Schematic from Proteus VSM. Note that almost every pin of PIC16F88 is used.
Here’s the source code, I’m sorry it isn’t commented very well. The code is written for CCS C compiler. There’s also Proteus VSM simulation file and compiled hex file.
KS0108 pic16f88 lm35 circuit diagram
LCD Thermometer Test
source mehilainen.homeip.net/lcdthermo/lcdthermo.html The CCS C Thermometer Project has all the files proteus isis, ccs c source code library and others:
Şifre-Pass: 320volt.com
Published: 2009/11/21 Tags: microchip projects, microcontroller projects, pic16f88 projects
HDD Clock Circuit Atmel ATmega128 DS1307 TDA5410 Motor Driver
Before “Broken HDD Evaluate under the heading” corrupted hard disks to assess a few apps I’ve used on the web with the sandpaper I I told you about that time had projects now hardisk hours but very professional on shared projects and all resources are shared
Other active integrated circuit based on atmel atmega128 is the ds1307 rtc clock and tda5410 dc motor drive. It also can be controlled with the remote control, there’s a large part of the RS232 Communications section of the hard drive is equipped with smd rgb LEDs have a variety of effects