Circuit MC33074 (Operational Amplifiers) and PT2351 (Subwoofer Crossover Low Pass Filter) based on 55Hz and 65Hz 75Hz 85Hz 95hz 6 Step Switchgear 105Hz stage material can be selected by changing the values you can use different frequency
Bass Subwoofer Filter Circuit Frequency Table
gradual | CA | CB | CC | CD | 3dB | 12dB | 18dB |
1 | 47nf | 47nf | 22nf | 220nf | 55hz | 120hz | 170hz |
2 | 68nf | 15nf | 100nf | 100nf | 65hz | 135hz | 190hz |
3 | 47nf | 33nf | 150nf | 33nf | 75hz | 150hz | 205hz |
4 | 68nf | 6.8nf | 150nf | …. | 85hz | 175hz | 235hz |
5 | 47nf | 10nf | 100nf | 22nf | 95hz | 195hz | 270hz |
6 | 47nf | 4.7nf | 100nf | 10nf | 105hz | 225hz | 295hz |
Part list
6 R1,R2,R9,R10,R17,R18 10.7k
2 R3,R4 23.2k
8 R5,R6,R7,R8,R13,R14,R15,R16 97.6k
2 R11,R12 3.32k
RV1,RV2 20k trimpot
All resistor %1 tolerance metal film
C1,C39,C40 10uF 35V
C2,C4 100nF 63V
C3,C5,C14 100uF 16V
C6,C7,C8,C9,C12,C13 2.2uF 50V
C10,C11 470nF 63V
C41,C42 220uF 10V
CA1,CB1,CA3,CA5,CA6 47nF 63V
CD1 220nF 63V
CC1,CD5 22nF 63V
CA2,CA4 68nF 63V
CB2 15nF 63V
CC2,CD2,CC5,CC6 100nF 63V
CB3,CD3 33nF 63V
CC3,CC4 150nF 63V
CB4 6.8nF 63V
CB5,CD5 10nF 63V
CB6 4.7nF 63V
All fixed capacitors Polyester
U1 78L08 +8V regulator
U2 MC 33074 Quad operational amplifier
U3 PT 2351 Special subwoofer filter IC
MC33074: Single Supply 3 V to 44 V, Quad Operational Amplifier
Wide Bandwidth: 4.5 MHz
High Slew Rate: 13 V/ms
Fast Settling Time: 1.1 ms to 0.1%
Wide Single Supply Operation: 3.0 V to 44 V
Wide Input Common Mode Voltage Range: Includes Ground (VEE)
Low Input Offset Voltage: 3.0 mV Maximum (A Suffix)
Large Output Voltage Swing: -14.7 V to +14 V (with +/-15 V Supplies)
Large Capacitance Drive Capability: 0 pF to 10,000 pF
Low Total Harmonic Distortion: 0.02%
Excellent Phase Margin: 60°
Excellent Gain Margin: 12 dB
Output Short Circuit Protection
Pb-Free Packages are Available
PT2351: Subwoofer Cross-Over Low Pass Filter IC
CMOS Technology
Single Power Supply: 3V to 9V
Second Order Low Pass Filter Desig with Slope Rate = -12dB/oct
Third Order Low Pass Filter Desig with Slope Rate = -18 dB/oct
Low Output Impedance (Typ. 40 Ohms)
Least External Components
The Roll-Off Point ca be adjusted using a External Capacitor
2-Channel Inputs are mixed to a Single Subwoofer Output
Available i 8-pin, SO or DIP Package
Published: 2008/02/24 Tags: audio control circuits
0-40V Adjustable Switching DC DC Power Supply Circuit L296
Switching power supply switching power supply circuit with high current switching regulator L296 integrated on the board 0:40 volts 4 amps of current and voltage adjustable Switching power supply on the circuit critical material as there probably l296 in the market are coil If there is no hand can be wrapped.
L296 DC DC Power Supply Circuit Diagram
Allmähliche Subwoofer-Bassfilter-Schaltung
Circuit MC33074 (Operationsverstärker) und PT2351 (Subwoofer-Crossover-Tiefpassfilter) auf der Basis von 55 Hz und 65 Hz, 75 Hz, 85 Hz, 95 Hz, 6-Stufen-Schaltanlagen, 105 Hz-Bühnenmaterial können durch Ändern der Werte ausgewählt werden, für die Sie unterschiedliche Frequenzen verwenden können