They say 🙂 This should be simple SMPS IR2153 and basic materials, as well as passive components symmetric with a goat SMPS Circuit
Control Circuit IR2153 is based on very few elements are used on the control circuit board installed bred through other departments 🙂 P4 power supply used on the circuit has become a bit cut off harvester: D
on the first attempt 2x25v output gave work I was not sure caught off guard 🙂 full load test could not +0- there between the two 50Ω 2 w resistor and + – between the pralel 220w 50w lamp hooked up about 2 amps load voltage crashes IR2153 and feta heat though no I use FETs There was very strong in my mind, but out 🙂 IRFP460 IRF730 I Use
Symetric voltage SMPS with IR2153 and ATX transformer I think ,simple SMPS called is that .Symetric SMPS circuit with a few compenents and IR2153. Control circuit base is IR2153 .I was tryed in breadboard.Other compenents from a Pentium 4 computer’s power supply module .I was cut and paste in circuit and last result that
The circuit was give 2×25 volt output at first try ,I was not ready lol .I don’t make full load test .IR2153 is not hot in circuit ,because that FET very powerful.Actuallay ,my plan is use IRF730 FET but not have at this moment I was used IRF460 .
The circuit very simple I will add a protect circuit in future day.I have 2 different scheme with IR2153.thats give me good ideas specialy circuit 1 (Devre1) with thristor protect circuit ,this curcuit can use for different SMPS circuits.Circuit 2 is more developed ,Specially IC’s suppy section more stabil.I was suppy with resistor like standard applications .Resistor was 2 watt but it was warm ,you must use 5w resitor.
Last news is that .I will add new specifications in future days
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Comment Number:1
What is voltage values for C5 and C6 ? also is diod fr107 easy find a compenent?
50 volt is C5 and C6 capacitor’s voltage valvues and you can use uf4007 or ba159 for fr107 diod.
User: Mesut
What is c4capacitor’s type?
User: Admin
C4 is none polarity ceramic capacitor and I think, in second photo backside of transformer red colour capacitor.
Comment :7
User :whyliving
Thanks for circuits.I have some questions
-What is this circuit’s load change method?
– How is protect for short circuit ?
– How is increase this circuit’s power ? which is suitable transformer and transistor.
I have ETD59 .is that give 1kW ? I have E13007 serie atx Power Suply Unit ‘s N-FET drivers .Can I use thats?
Comment :9
*This user’s have some SMPS design circuits in this blog.
You can work that circut with ETD59 and with diffrent MOSFET s .But you can not give 1kW.Because in this system switching is half bridge and max power is approx:600W .if you want over 1 kW with ETD59 You must make full bridge switching.
E13007 is not a MOSFET.If you want make MOSFET SMPS .My advice is IRFP460
Note:Excuse me for my English I hope you was understand all sentences lol .
And again excuse me for late translate
Published: 2008/04/26 Tags: power electronic projects, smps circuits, smps projects, smps schematic
SMPS 12V 40A Switching Mode Power Supply Circuit SG3524
Switch Mode Power Supply SMPS circuit mentioned this in my article, but wanted a 12 volt 40 amp circuit can be overlooked for SMPS circuits in the mail, this circuit has led me to write a separate article 🙂
Quite a powerful SMPS 40 amp LM3524 is built around integrated instead SG3524 or UC3524 can be used to integrate the same manufacturer only different circuit output voltage of 13.8 volts, but the output voltage standard 12 volts can set the overcurrent limit heat protection used to have output power transformer a little different 🙂
SG3524 SMPS 12V 40A