High quality Hi-Fi Headphone Amplifier Circuits

| July 4, 2023 Updated
High quality Hi-Fi Headphone Amplifier Circuits

Opamp and transistor circuits are very nice quality headphone amp design quality for this circuit also has a symmetrical power supply circuit. Design of printed circuit quite well, especially the materials used, the cost comes to almost a high-powered amp, but prices on the name Hi-Fi 🙂





High quality Hi-Fi Headphone Amplifier Circuits all files:

High quality Hi-Fi Headphone Amplifier Circuits

Şifre-Pass: 320volt.com

Published: 2008/02/16 Tags: ,

2 Comments “High quality Hi-Fi Headphone Amplifier Circuits

  1. Electronics CircuitsElectronics Circuits

    TDA7384 4×22 Watts Car Amplifier Circuit

    TDA7384 is carried out with a nice amp circuit powered + 2.13 volt single supply 22w power at 4Ω speakers can give TDA7384 and very little material is being established for the project and the amplifier circuit diagram drawing eagle drawing printed circuit there.

    4 x 35w quad bridge car radio amplifier high output power capability:
    4 x 40w/4Ω max.
    4 x 35w/4Ω eiaj
    4 x 25w/4Ω @14.4v, 1khz, 10%
    4 x 22w/4Ω @13.2v, 1khz, 10%
    low distortion,low output noise,st-by function,mute function
    automute at min. supply voltage detection,low external component count:
    – internally fixed gain (26db)
    – noexternal compensation
    – nobootstrap capacitors
    protections:,output short circuit to gnd, to vs,,across the load,veryinductive loads
    overrating chip temperature with,soft thermal limiter,load dump voltage

  2. Elektronisch ProjekteElektronisch Projekte

    Opamp und Transistor-Schaltungen sind sehr schöne Qualität Kopfhörer-Verstärker-Design-Qualität für diese Schaltung hat auch eine symmetrische Stromversorgungsschaltung. Design der gedruckten Schaltung ganz gut, vor allem die verwendeten Materialien, die Kosten für fast einen Hochleistungsverstärker, aber die Preise auf den Namen Hi-Fi 🙂


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