Hall Effect Sensor for me an alien element, but especially microcontrollers people dealing with a lot of for the project may be used in one of the materials in the sample application pic16f876 based on the (software mikroC Pro) LCD display tachometer (HDD cycles are measured) been made, but a gif animation ats277 Hall sensor to operate easily grip your to provide
In addition to the motor windings types of SMD Hall sensors placed on the picture to have an idea a good example for
Source: heartygfx.blogspot.com/2011/10/capteur-effet-hall.html alternative link:
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-18292.zip
Published: 2012/01/13 Tags: microchip projects, microcontroller projects, pic16f876 projects
PIC24 Development Board Breakout board
development on the board64 pin pic24fj64ga006 pic24hj128gp506 the same leg connection with a PIC24 series microcontrollers available on the circuit inputs and outputs for connection and Pickit2 Clone header for used FTDI TTL 232R 3V3 USB to serial cable spacing from there also on the processor used standard passive materials (resistance filter capacitors, etc.). ‘s. Breakout board for PIC24 and schema files are eagle pcb.