Guitar Effects Circuits Half Octave Fuzz Distortion

| June 30, 2023 Updated
Guitar Effects Circuits Half Octave Fuzz Distortion

My guitar’s tone can use to change various effects circuits, many made ​​simple terms it is considered material quality type if you use the better results you can achieve, particularly capacitors and resistors exact value you get power supply adapter as rather 9volt to use the battery in terms of noise transformer adapter than will give good results “distortion-effects loop “examples of other applications than there are audio files.

2 Effect Transistor Fuzz circuit is not a complicated circuit pnp npn circuit with two transistors and a few passive components are being established


Octave Effect MPSA13 and 2N3906 transistors on circuit board pcb drawing a bit complicated, but it will make your job easier


Vibration Effects pcb circuit drawing the necessary explanations and a completed project with a list of materials


Distortion Effects TL072 opamp circuit on a circuit board to bypass the quality, drive, level, bass, mid, treble “settings can be made in addition to” DPDT “toggle switch can be added


Guitar Effects Circuits Example sounds

Guitar Effects Circuits Half Octave Fuzz Distortion all files:

Guitar Effects Circuits Half Octave Fuzz Distortion


Published: 2008/01/12 Tags:

1 Comment “Guitar Effects Circuits Half Octave Fuzz Distortion

  1. Electronics CircuitsElectronics Circuits

    0-30 Volt 5 Amp Power Supply Circuits 2N3055 UA723

    Power supply circuit Texas Instruments voltage regulator integrated with an old ua723 ua723 based on the output current 150 may be stand-alone transistor powered by the circuit amperage 5 0 …. 30V output voltage may be adjusted. I say old, but still a highly integrated power supply is used in the new production line is being done.

    Power supply control integrated circuit used in the easily available parts of the power transistors 2N3055 ua723


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