I made a simple SMPS with IR2153 before the Transformer EI33 more advanced and powerful but this practice was used transformer (ETD34) you have to wrap transformer circuits, I applied my computer was disconnected from the power supply circuit
It also has ir2153 overcurrent ir2153 protection section of the primary measurements are made using a small ring cores (current transformer) shared all the details of calculation, etc. oscilloscope measurements. In the sprint circuit layout has been prepared by the detail and file to pcb file
If you pay attention IR2153 supply for part of my circuit according to a healthier and more powerful mosfet (IRF730) and Zener (BZX85C15), the regulator has sections and on the transformer additional winding rectified supply supplemented circuit 2 × 40volt output is giving 230 .300 w power between there
IR2153 Circuit
CAUTION Be careful is working with high voltage capacitor circuit connections Beware + – If you connect the high voltage polarity may be large explosions before running the insured Power Line circuit, protective goggles
source http://www.hobbielektronika.hu/kapcsolasok/rezonans_kapcsolouzemu_tapegyseg.html IR2153 smps circuit pcb ir2153 schematic alternative link:
Şifre-Pass: 320volt.com
Published: 2008/08/02 Tags: power electronic projects, smps circuits, smps projects, smps schematic
PIC16F877 Nokia 3310 LCD Display IR Remote RC5 Control
Remote control circuit nokia 3310 LCD screen used in the PIC16F877 microcontroller can be used rc5 protocol detailed frequency information is also given on other control systems. Printed circuit board pcb eagle and schema files as well as resources available in CCS C code through 011_28.c, 16F877_mb.h, nokia_3310_mb.c, ir_read_mb.c, 24256_mb.c
PIC16F877 infrared remote control