Released several years ago (I’ve seen in the first resort) is a simple but very handy charger. typically known as spider or insect charging charger recharges but the strength is low long:) mechanical design in different sizes, cell phone, camera, place it in the charger the battery of the device will be a lot, etc. Charging circuit LM358 op amp is built on
Charger Circuit diagram;
The diagram of the same circuit at high resolution and a similar scheme more;
Universal Charger use;
Opening of the gripper system battery to charge devices placed.
After battery clamps (+) and (-) polarity is set to fit.
Then click the “TEST” button is pressed. (In the diagram K1 TA Button)
Plugging the adapter into a wall outlet “PWR” LED will light constant dull red, “CH”, the LED starts flashing green.
This is an indication that the battery started charging.
If “CH” written LEDs do not light you have your battery terminals are connected incorrectly “CO” by pressing the green button allows the device can automatically change the polarity of the charge.
The charging process has ended and your battery is full, the “PWR” LED starts to burn as bright red hard.
Published: 2013/08/08 Tags: battery charger circuit, power electronic projects
Cordless screwdriver to run with Transformer
At work I am running about 1 years charged with screwing screwing device in the market, cheap Cordless transformer 4.8 v, etc.. I mean, I guess it was a price, such as more batteries gave out already 15tl much yield did not expect occasional uses, but a permanent solution to the problem is to use sıklaşınca, I decided to run with the same transformer can be used in the system the Cordless screwdriver.
China Universal-Ladegerät Schaltplan
Veröffentlicht vor einigen Jahren (ich habe in der ersten resort) ist ein einfaches aber sehr praktisches Ladegerät. normalerweise bekannt als Spinne oder Insekt des Ladevorgangs Ladegerät lädt aber die Kraft gering ist lang: -) mechanische design, in verschiedenen Größen, Handy, Kamera, legen Sie es in das Ladegerät, den Akku des Geräts wird eine Menge sein, etc. Ladeschaltung LM358 op-amp ist gebaut auf