In the article CH341A 95640 Eeprom, New Chips and RCD300 Tape Password, I mentioned the programming of new integrated circuits that are not in the CH341A list. A software has been developed that adds extra functionality to the CH341A USB EEPROM-FLASH programmer module.
CH341A New Functions:
Detecting I2C devices
Writing/Reading raw I2C data
Writing/Reading raw SPI data
CH341A GPIO writing/reading
Reading laptop battery information
Reading data from some I2C sensors:
VL53L0X laser ToF distance sensor
APDS-9960 light/proximity/motion sensor
L3G4200D gyroscope
Writing to SSD1306 based OLED display
Writing text to HD44780 display (GPIO mode)
Writing text to HD44780 + PCF8574 display (I2C)
Writing to SPI MAX7219 8×8 LED matrix
Controlling RDA5807M FM radio module
Checking the Si5351A clock generator
Şifre-Pass: 320volt.com
source: tomeko.net/software/CH341A_tool/
Published: 2024/12/17 Tags: programmer circuit
Version 1.3 is out, adding another few I2C devices and MDIO interface. For LAN8742A PHY: Time-Domain Reflectometry.
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