Category Archive: Electronics Projects

Electronic plans news for electronic hobbyist or engineers. Free electronic schematics (circuits) electronic blog site. Electronic content post and more..

Arduino Memory Buttons

| 2024/12/17

A project made with Arduino to redesign a control panel with large and mechanical on-off switches. A circuit was designed with Arduino to use a smaller push-release button. The pressed buttons are kept in memory and when the power is given again, the output of the previously pressed buttons does not change. The circuit works…

Open Source ECU Project Car Engine Management

| 2024/12/17

Open source ECU. Electronic control unit is the new generation automotive engine management. With the availability of cheap but extremely powerful STM32 microcontrollers, a very simple and powerful engine management system is possible. Designed with high-performance STM32 series running Real Time Operating System. There are different versions of the project, source codes, pcb drawings, 3d…

160V Motor Power Supply UC3842

| 2024/12/17

A converter circuit design was made with UC3842 as the power supply of 170VDC and 3.1 Ampere motor to operate the lathe. At first, the lathe machine was operated with a sheet metal transformer power supply, but since it took up too much space, more space was gained with a switching power supply small enough…

Pulse Charger for Car Batteries + Desulfator Circuit

| 2024/12/17

I made a PCB drawing with the power stage of the TL494 control circuit that I shared in the article “Converting a Computer Power Supply to a Battery Charger”. The PCB size is small and light enough to fit in a toolbox with a thick strip cooler that cannot be higher than 10×10 cm, a…

Adjustable Soldering Iron Circuit 24V 48W

| 2024/12/17

In the analog soldering station project, a “K” type thermocouple was used for temperature measurement. With the adjustable soldering iron circuit, Quick, Solomon and Gordak brand soldering irons were tested for 48 hours and excellent results were obtained in terms of operating safety and maintaining the set temperature. A 24VAC 60W transformer is used for…

CH341A Programmer Tools

| 2024/12/17

In the article CH341A 95640 Eeprom, New Chips and RCD300 Tape Password, I mentioned the programming of new integrated circuits that are not in the CH341A list. A software has been developed that adds extra functionality to the CH341A USB EEPROM-FLASH programmer module. CH341A New Functions: Detecting I2C devices Writing/Reading raw I2C data Writing/Reading raw…

Flashing Brake Light

| 2024/12/17

I had also heard in the news that the European Union had made it mandatory for new vehicles to have flashing brake lights, although it was said to be for “sudden braking”, but this system has been used in many cars for many years. @Bilgin.055 had shared a similar circuit in the electronic projects forum;…

Solar Powered 12V Backup System Solar Charge Controller

| 2024/12/17

The 40 watt panel with solar energy system has been used for years and has never caused any problems. A simple circuit made with LM393 integrated circuit is used for battery charging and solar charge regulator. The battery used in solar energy system is called deep cycle or leisure battery. It can handle over-discharging compared…

AT PC Power Supply Circuit Schematics

| 2024/12/17

AT power supply circuit diagrams for AT computer systems. Very old structure ATX system was soon removed from the market after its release but archive is also available. Lunar 200 AT Power Supply Schematic Moretec MP200 AT Power Supply Schematic PW9502 AT Power Supply Schematic SKS4230 AT Power Supply Schematic TYET005V0 AT Power Supply Schematic…

TL494 DC CDI Ignition Circuit AT-ATX Transformer

| 2024/12/17

For most people interested in capacitor discharge ignition, the repeatability of DC-CDI is difficult and they have little experience with winding transformers. This design uses an AT-ATX PC power supply transformer for voltage conversion. There is no need to wind the transformer. The necessary transformer can be obtained from old-style PC power supplies. TL494 or…