Category Archive: Electronics Projects

Electronic plans news for electronic hobbyist or engineers. Free electronic schematics (circuits) electronic blog site. Electronic content post and more..

7812 and 2N3055 12v-15 Volt 20 Amp Power Supply

| 2008/01/11

Heavy bulky quite strong and a shake 🙂 a power supply circuit is adjustable from 12 … 15 volt regulator integrated 12volt classic L7812 was carried out by increasing the flow of Integrated control of the L7812 (12v positive regulator) integrated output power of 1 Ampere output used to strengthen the BD708 MJ2955 Transformer Troidal…

Bitmap (BMP) Protel PCB converter

| 2008/01/10

Protel printed circuit converter program that you can use in a drawing program. Language is English, but very easy to use and does not require installation Bmp image formats PCB in Protel PCB Files Format to turn the program into BITMAP to PROTEL PCB CONVERTER This program was designed to allow importing of bitmap images…

Op Amp Designer inverting non-inverting calculation

| 2008/01/10

Particularly with 741 opamp can use a simple calculation program is free sample circuits with electronic information displayed Inverting and Noninverting op amp, a good program can do calculations with ease. The program was tested on windows xp professional Opamp Desinger program In order to make the Operational Amplifier (Windows 3.) program the best that…

555 Designer timer astable monostable calculator

| 2008/01/10

Quite common in the use of electronic NE 555 timer integrated program for a calculation prepared sample calculations are made with 555 circuits Built-in 555 astable, monostable account, you can also sample application schemas found a nice program 555 calculation Desinger 555 Design Mode 1 Enter frequency (or delay) and duty cycle, if applicable. 2…

inductance calculator program

| 2008/01/10

Prepared by Bob Stein `s the indicator and filter calculation does not require installation file run micro2003b.ex to use my programı.progra INDUCTANCE CALCULATOR Ver 3.0 7-9-92 This program will calculate the following for round copper wire or copper strap: 1 – Inductance of a single-layer coil 2 – Turns in a single-layer coil for a…

Simple 5V Regulator Circuit

| 2008/01/04

Fixed 5V regulator circuit that can provide a simple. One transistor MJE3055. = The Zener voltage of the output voltage – threshold voltage transistor is according to formula. 5 V Regulator Schematic