A quality marquee project based on Atmega128 microcontroller, writing information is stored on mmc card instead of Atmega128, source codes are shared. Led Signage with MMC Memory Card. Originally this project was to purchase a led sign to interface with my home automation network. This automation network can be used for temperature, wind speed, humidity, etc. information
I had purchased an LED Sign on eBay but got a surprise when I got it! There was no serial port for programming messages… A few days later I looked inside to see how it was done. The principle of operation is simple, you have only 160 bit shift register with drivers for LEDs. I removed the old CPU from the LED sign and connected a few wires to the shift register (column driver) and row driver to an ATMega128.
The main reason I chose to use the ATMega128 was because I needed a large amount of RAM. I decided to use an MMC memory card to store all messages for 3 reasons: low cost, SPI interface and lots of space for messages.
3 Color messages
5 Scroll speed
Serial port for uploading messages
LED Sign Project
Source: http://www.microsyl.com/ledsign/ledsign.html
Şifre-Pass: 320volt.com
Published: 2008/09/05 Tags: avr project, microcontroller projects
PIC16F84 king rider circuit
king rider led effect circuit pic 16f84 and LM358 based on LEDs burning speed and brightness 50k potentiometer with ayarlanabiiy the “Pattern select” but with the different operating modes can only be undertaken drive transistor bc328 circuit supply voltage dc 12v opamp and microcontroller supply 7805 (5 volt) regulator IC provided with
king rider circuit