The edited versions of the Holy Holton AVXXX series amplifier circuits are of high quality PCB designs. The power transistors of the 400W Amplifier circuit are BJT 2SC5200, 2SA1943, or Mosfet IRFP240, IRFP9240 can be used for this and will change materials for use. Supply voltage symmetrical + -80V DC pcb, schematic, material list etc. given. IRFP240, IRFP9240 MOSFETs used at the output stage of the 800w amperes supply used symmetrical supply voltage + -95V DC 2 The stronger the ancience, the stronger the characteristics are the better, the lower the noise ratios, but the higher the costs and the more complex the electronic beginner’s archives
source: tehnium-azi.ro/topic/5483-gx400-rev2-ultima-revizie-cu-gx400a-si-gx400b/
ATTENTION 400W, 800W Amplifier circuits are operating with high voltage. Be careful with capacitor connections. + – If you connect the poles reversely, there may be large explosions at high voltage.
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-25944.zip
Published: 2018/06/09 Tags: audio amplifier circuits, transistor amplifier
Verstärkerschaltungen 800W 400W
Die editierten Versionen der Holy Holton AVXXX-Verstärkerschaltungen sind von hochwertigen PCB-Designs. Die Leistungstransistoren der 400-W-Verstärkerschaltung sind BJT 2SC5200, 2SA1943 oder Mosfet IRFP240, IRFP9240 kann dafür verwendet werden und wechselt die Materialien für den Gebrauch. Versorgungsspannung symmetrisch + -80V DC Platine, Schaltplan, Materialliste etc. angegeben.
IRFP240, IRFP9240 MOSFETs, die an der Ausgangsstufe der 800-W-Ampereversorgung verwendet wurden, verwendeten eine symmetrische Versorgungsspannung + -95 V DC
2 Je stärker das Wissen, desto stärker sind die Eigenschaften desto besser, je niedriger die Rauschverhältnisse, desto höher die Kosten und desto komplexer die elektronischen Anfängerarchive
Balancing Li-ion Li-Polymer Batteries Battery Balancing Circuit
Balancing Li-ion Li-Polymer Batteries Battery Balancing Circuit
Many projects are usually carried out with a single battery. serial battery connection is required for higher voltages if the charger does not have balancing, deterioration occurs according to the capacity of the batteries, the batteries that are loaded early are overloaded and deteriorated, and this problematic battery, the charging circuit for charging the batteries prematurely finishes charging before the other batteries are charged. For example; We need 12V in our project 3 Li-ion batteries in series with full charge 1 battery voltage 4.2V in this case 12.6V charger for 3 batteries needed We have started to charge our batteries and each battery has a different capacity and occupancy rate Some batteries have an early filling the middle battery in the schematic reaches the limit value of 4.2V and the others are not fully charged in this case the total voltage will not stop charging until the 12.2V charge cycle is 12.6V.
Circuits d’amplification 800W 400W
Les versions éditées des circuits amplificateurs Holy Holton AVXXX sont de conception PCB de haute qualité. Les transistors de puissance du circuit amplificateur de 400 W sont BJT 2SC5200, 2SA1943 ou Mosfet IRFP240, IRFP9240 peuvent être utilisés à cet effet et changeront de matériau à utiliser. Tension d’alimentation symétrique + -80V DC pcb, schéma, liste des matériaux, etc. donnée. Les transistors MOSFET IRFP240, IRFP9240 utilisés à l’étage de sortie de l’ampère de 800 W fournissent une tension d’alimentation symétrique utilisée + -95 V DC 2 complexer les archives électroniques du débutant