8051 srf04 ultrasonic distance measurement application also contains information about the different controllers and this information can be useful for applications
8051 microcontroller distance measurement using ultrasonic transceiver done. Studies, using microcontrollers 8051 with the help of ultrasonic distance measurement includes the transceiver. A system ultrasonic transceivers, LCD et al 8051 microcontroller is used.
Before initiating operation of the system used in the system of the working principle of the ultrasonic transceiver is deemed useful to give a brief. authors :Murat FETTAHOGLU Faruk YILDIRIM
SRF04 Ultrasonic Transceiver
To a distance of 10.7 meters maximum results. Has a low current consumption. Minimum sensitivity distance is 26cm. Is preferred because the smaller size modules.
SRF04 ‘front side of Figure 2 are given in. As shown in Figure 4 has the port. Among them, 2 percent supply (+5 V), the other two pulse outputs (pulse echo output) and
trigger input (input trigger pulse) is.
SRF04 Timing diagram
Srf04 The working principle is briefly as follows: SRF04 ‘reputation minimum 10us to start working a trigger pulse as shown in the diagram SRF04’ reputation is applied to the trigger input. After applying these pulses SRF04 sends out ultrasonic waves and generates.
340metre/sani is known that the speed of sound in air, bounced off the surface of these sound waves are sent back period is calculated. This period is known, the sound velocity on the basis of the calculated distance from the apparatus body.
If done the calculations, pulse output from the pulse duration in the availability USN 58 ‘E division (cm = usn/58) can be calculated in centimeters away. If 18ms from If no pulse is produced on a larger object is detected, the output value of 36msn SRF04 again to drop to 0 volts level.
8051 SRF04 Ultrasonic Distance Meter Circuit schematic 8051 source code etc. files
Password: 320volt.com
Published: 2009/05/13 Tags: avr project, microcontroller projects
ADC0831 8051 LM35 Temperature Control with LCD Screen
Adc 0831 with 8051 lm 35 temperature sensor, and a detailed project examples for the use of inverters. author :Özer Deniz
Objective: LM 35 temperature sensor dealt with 0831 ADC analog-to-digital conversion of knowledge, and expression of this information as the temperature on the LCD display.
Abstract: In our program; 8-bit temperature data from ADCs continuously scanned and converted into ASCII code is displayed on the LCD. Ambient temperature monitoring any change LM35 temperature sensor and the voltage at the output of digital information at the output of the ADC is displaced.
8051 Temperature Control