555 Designer timer astable monostable calculator

| June 29, 2023 Updated
555 Designer  timer astable monostable  calculator

Quite common in the use of electronic NE 555 timer integrated program for a calculation prepared sample calculations are made with 555 circuits

Built-in 555 astable, monostable account, you can also sample application schemas found a nice program



555 calculation Desinger

555 Design Mode

1 Enter frequency (or delay) and duty cycle, if applicable.
2 Click on calculate.
3 Change capacitor values with up/down arrow keys.
4 To enter standard or measured component values, place

cursor over component (R1, R2, or C1). The cursor design will change. Click on component, and enter new value. Note that now the frequency (or delay) and duty cycle will be recalculated. Values can be adjusted within +/- 20% range

555 Applications list

Triggering in monostable mode
Missing pulse detector
Driving inductive load
Frequency divider
Tone burst generator
Sequential (cascaded) timer
Long interval timer
Driving a speaker
Voltage-controlled oscillator
Pulse width modulator
Exact square wave astable
Positive to negative DC converter
DC to DC converter
DC voltage doubler

555 Designer timer astable monostable calculator

Şifre-Pass: 320volt.com

Published: 2008/01/10 Tags: ,

4 Comments “555 Designer timer astable monostable calculator

  1. Electronics CircuitsElectronics Circuits

    inductance calculator program

    Prepared by Bob Stein `s the indicator and filter calculation does not require installation file run micro2003b.ex to use my programı.progra


    Ver 3.0 7-9-92 This program will calculate the following for round copper wire or copper strap:

    1 – Inductance of a single-layer coil

    2 – Turns in a single-layer coil for a specified inductance

    3 – Turns from coil stock of known pitch (turns per inch or turns per cm) for a specified inductance

    4 – Inductance of a straight strap
    5 – Length of a straight strap for a specified inductance
    6 – Inductance of a transmission-line section

  2. Elektronisch ProjekteElektronisch Projekte

    555 Designer Timer astable monostabler Taschenrechner

    Ganz häufig bei der Verwendung von elektronischen NE 555 Timer integrierte Programm für eine Berechnung vorbereitet Probenberechnungen werden mit 555 Schaltungen gemacht

    Eingebautes 555 astable, monostable Konto, können Sie auch Anwendungs-Schemata finden ein schönes Programm

  3. GeorgeGeorge

    Hey I just downloaded your 555timer calculator however I’m on 64bit win7 and it is not compatible. Is there a way around this or do I have to run on 32 bit machine?

    1. gevvgevv Contributor


      Yes unfortunately only 32 bit 🙁 You can additionally install a 32-bit operating system with Virtualbox program.


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