250W 500W Hifi Amplifier Circuits

| July 9, 2023 Updated
250W 500W Hifi Amplifier  Circuits

Prepared by: Tamircihasan 500w and 250w hifi amplifier for open space sound. Friends, the circuit is a circuit circulating in the market, but I made some changes on this circuit. The circuit is now working very super and smoothly. The transistors used in the output are the transistors used by the German company Dynacord in their amplifiers and they can work even at +200 degrees.

Therefore, these elements should be used at their original values for the circuit to work safely.





500w 250w Proteus ares :

250W 500W Hifi Amplifier Circuits

Şifre-Pass: 320volt.com

Published: 2008/06/15 Tags: ,

1 Comment “250W 500W Hifi Amplifier Circuits

  1. Electronics CircuitsElectronics Circuits

    TDA1554Q 2X22W Amplifier Circuit

    Friends circuit is designed by me and has been working super efficient. 4700 uF 4 years of neglect, especially in trafoyu down tank 60w super efficiency of using 100% guarantee that you will receive. 4 pcs 4700uF filtering sound quality is excellent and high-pitched voice cracking in 4 100nF whine moan as I did with no problem. Enjoy plug-and-see materials …

    TDA1554 lowest 6V supply voltage 14v maximum 18v single source supply is normal. If the amp can be used as feed to the transformer auto transformer is suitable 2x12V


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