When TL494’s in a dcdc my attention …. 30 volt power supply voltages from 1 to 20 .. 5 amps of current settings can be made. Also used in many applications LM2576T ADJ (adjust) made with integrated dcdc 1 … There TL494 50v voltage and current with the tuned circuit diagram is very similar. Herhu TL494 based on 90% efficiency power supply circuit printed circuit board (index.lay) sprint layout schematic drawing prepared by the spline with ..
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FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-18905.zip
Published: 2012/05/16 Tags: dc dc converter circuit, power electronic projects, tl494 circuit
Thermocouple Reading Circuit PIC16F877
Thermocouple reading circuit PIC16F877 microcontroller based on the C source software, isis proteus simulation files and eagle diagram, printed circuit boards have drawings. Thermocouple voltage 0V (0 ° C) and 42.92mv (760 º C) 4.8mv (5/1024) on a PIC16F877 8-bit resolution ADC resolution 10bits DAC.