13.8V 40 Amp “switch mode power supply” SMPS circuit ATX power supply structure was inspired by a more powerful version could be called the primary solid in the driver transistors, BJTs instead of MOSFETs used driver transformer the etd29 secondary section TL494 is controlled by a circuit over current, over temperature protection have a current detection at current transformer is used at the output of the lm339 circuit line can be used for similar applications. 13.8V 40A SMPS circuit’s bill of materials, PCB drawings, layout information, etc. transformer. given everything ..
Source: f6gky.pagesperso-orange.fr/alimdecoup.htm
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-18664.zip
Published: 2012/03/20 Tags: power electronic projects, smps circuits, smps projects, smps schematic, tl494 circuit
Active Antenna Circuits for Radio
BJT and MOSFET transistors based on active antenna circuit’s two pieces instead of the normal antenna amplifier circuit and PCB antenna through the first circuit made of high quality at a radio antenna, and 2N3866 MOSFET transistors have 2sj310. In 17.2khz active antenna circuit 2N3866 transistor used in crystalline and 4MHz. Circuit diagrams and printed circuit board pcb drawings are belong to. Author circuit after finishing a piece of a water pipe has been put into boxes …