100W Power Led Driver Circuit Select the suitable type of a power driver, if the lamp with LED of power about 100W supplied from a distribution network 230V. Compare the different options for solution driver. Build a simplified a mathematical model of the used LEDS and the simulation in the environment Matlab-Simulink UCC3813D
UCC28180 An active rectifier or active PFC circuit is a device that can remove from network a sinusoidal current in phase with voltage. From the point of view of the network with the UCC28180 PFC circuit behaves almost as a purely resistive load, even if the circuit delivers to its load current the capacitive or the induction of the character of any shape. This is achieved by a power factor collection to ? = 1 compared to the sampling sources without power factor correction where it is ? = 0, 4 − 0, 6 (typically).
UCC28180 PFC Schematic
UCC3813D-1 LED excitation yellow luminofor. This diode is needed for the full light output power from a source of constant dc current 3a. For this light-emitting diode was designed by a power source consisting of the input EMI filter and active UCC28180 PFC circuit.. Of the possible variants of the converters for the desired output power was elected the single-switch forward converter with two paddles. Special attention was paid to the design of his pulse transformer, the calculation of the dissipated power and the corresponding cooling power semiconductors. Were designed, manufactured and installed a circuit board of the main inverter and PFC circuit, and have been tested for their functionality. We verified that the main inverter supplying to the LED can be powered by an active PFC circuit. UCC3813D-1
UCC3813D-1 Driver Schematic
PFC 100W Led driver circuit pcb schematic all files alternative links:
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-25674.zip
Published: 2016/06/15 Tags: dc dc converter circuit, led projects, power electronic projects
0-30V 0-3A Adjustable Switching Laboratory Power Supply
DC-DC Laboratory Power Supply 0-30V 0-3A LT1074 is a switching regulator type step-down (lowering) with a maximum current of 5 A. Can work with the value of the input voltage up to 60 V version (HV) and the output voltage can be set in the range of 2.5 V – 50 In. Without modifying the circuit works the circuit with a frequency of 100 kHz.
100W Led-Treiber-Schaltung PFC UCC28180 UCC3813D-1
100W Power Led-Treiber-Schaltung Wählen Sie die passende Art der Strom-Treiber, wenn die Lampe mit der LED-Leistung über 100W geliefert, das aus einem Verteilungsnetz 230V. Vergleichen Sie die verschiedenen Optionen für die Lösung Treiber. Erstellen Sie ein Vereinfachtes mathematisches Modell der verwendeten LEDS und der simulation in der Umgebung Matlab-Simulink UCC3813D
UCC28180 Eine aktive Gleichrichter oder aktive PFC-Schaltung ist ein Gerät, entfernen Sie aus dem Netz einen sinusförmigen Strom in phase mit der Spannung. Aus der Sicht des Netzwerks mit der UCC28180 PFC-Schaltung verhält sich fast wie eine rein ohmsche Last, auch wenn die Schaltung liefert seinen Laststrom der Kapazitive oder der Induktion der Charakter jeder Form. Erreicht wird dies durch eine power-Faktor-Sammlung zu ? = 1 im Vergleich zu den sampling-Quellen ohne Leistungsfaktor-Korrektur, wo es ist ? = 0, 4 − 0, 6 (in der Regel).