0-30V 0-10A laboratory type adjustable power supply I mentioned in the article of the relay bypass circuit for regulated power supplies, the K7200 kit version is 1/1 clone There is almost no difference except a few changes in PCB design and the use of 6 power transistors. LM723 amplifiers were used at the control level of the power supply circuit, and TIP3055 transistors were used at power level. Transformer 2X15V AC 300W
Do not forget to compare the schematic and pcb drawings before making the circuit. If the circuit does not have a very complicated structure, you can cancel the bypass circuit and make it even simpler. In this case you need to use stronger transistors and better cooling .. R30, R9 volt meter (icl7107) R10, R29 amps meter (icl7107) is used for measuring inputs. Since volt amperage measurement modules are popular in the market, you can use modules instead of icl7107 circuits, you do not need to use resistors in this case.
0.30V 0.10A Adjustable Power supply general features;
The output voltage can be set from 0 to 30V.
Fine tuning over 1V
Output current can be set between 0 and 10A.
Fine adjustment between 0 and 1A
LED indicator of current limit
Output current: 8A continuous / 10A. summit.
Short-circuit protected
Power supply transformer, transistor, control board assembly;
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-26046.zip
Published: 2019/03/19 Tags: power electronic projects, power supply circuit, power supply project
0-30V 0-10A Labornetzteil, das ich im Artikel des Relais-Bypass-Schaltkreises für geregelte Netzteile erwähnt habe. Die Kit-Version K7200 ist 1/1 Klon. Es gibt fast keinen Unterschied, außer ein paar Änderungen im PCB-Design und in der Verwendung 6 Leistungstransistoren. LM723-Verstärker wurden auf der Steuerebene der Stromversorgungsschaltung verwendet, und TIP3055-Transistoren wurden auf der Leistungsstufe verwendet. Transformator 2X15V AC 300W
Vergessen Sie nicht, die Schaltplan- und Leiterplattenzeichnungen zu vergleichen, bevor Sie die Schaltung herstellen. Wenn die Schaltung nicht sehr kompliziert aufgebaut ist, können Sie die Bypass-Schaltung abbrechen und noch einfacher gestalten. In diesem Fall müssen stärkere Transistoren und eine bessere Kühlung verwendet werden. R30-, R9-Voltmeter (icl7107) R10-, R29-Ampere-Meter (icl7107) wird zur Messung von Eingängen verwendet. Da Volt-Ampere-Messmodule auf dem Markt sehr beliebt sind, können Sie Module anstelle von ICL7107-Schaltkreisen verwenden. In diesem Fall müssen Sie keine Widerstände verwenden.
IR2161 SMPS Circuit IR2153 Alternative
IR2161 SMPS Circuit IR2153 Alternative
I’ve shared a lot of SMPS power supply projects with IR2153, especially AT, ATX power supply. The IR2153 works great for evaluating power transformers. Even bigger companies such as Yamaha have used the 8 pin MOSFET driver integration in their products. an integrated but not very common use in DIY environment I did not have the chance to make a trial that we did not already have in our market …
According to the IR2153 integration, the greatest feature of the IR2161 is the built-in current sense short circuit protection system, the power MOSFET is protected against the current drawn through the low-ohmic shunt resistor connected to the source pace, unfortunately the working frequency can not be adjusted with external components, this has a working frequency of 70kHz. I think 34kHz … 70kHz)
General features of IR2161
Dear sir i want to thank you for the power supply files.
I was looking for a good linear power supply design.
It was a great help to me-
Best regards
Thank you for feedback. Good work
new pcb drawing of the same circuit; https://320volt.com/en/laboratory-power-supply-30v-10a-adjustable/ (tested)