The switch circuit works with touch and sound. It can also be used as a simple alarm circuit. The capacitive microphone can be placed on a window, door or an area inside the house, the relay works with impact or sound. The device connected to the relay becomes active (siren, lamp, motor, etc.)
When the touch pin is touched by hand, the relay activates and the relay keeps the contacts pulled until it touches it again or makes a sound again.
You can connect a relay instead of a RL 2.2k resistor and disable the CD4013 IC. CD4013 IC adds the feature of continuous opening and closing.
If you build the circuit on a perforated plate or bredboard, do not forget to connect the supply voltage pins, these pins are not visible in the proteus diagram! – vss pin 7 , + vdd pin 14
Voice Touch Switch Circuit Diagram
Circuit is tested.
Voice and Touch Switch Circuit diagram and pcb:
Şifre-Pass: 320volt.com
Published: 2008/03/18 Tags: analog circuits projects
LCD-VFD Control Circuits PIC16F873 PIC16F628 USB RS232
USB LCD/VFD Controller is a HD44870 based LCD/VFD controller via USB interface. The control command is compatible with Matrix-Orbital’s LCD module. So, you can use any MO friendly software to control this baby. Such as LCDC.The firmware are based on David Potter’s Serial LCD/VFD Display, but I almost rewrite the entire code.