I applied before the project @ ferhatyol friend revealed is a modified version of the project. 3 irrigation functions available in the program. Applications for pic16f876 microcontroller based on the 2 × 16 LCD screen display software that was used was prepared by PicBasic pro
LOW (0-20sec) Meduim (21-40s) HIGH (41-59sn) circuit menu in English and saaat (TIME) When enter settings without setting can climb.
Watering Flowers Circuit Proteus isis
Watering Flower Circuit test video
Flowers isis proteus simulation of irrigation projects, ares pcb printed circuit board and pic basic pro code files:
Weekly Scheduled Watering Flowers Circuit PicBasicPro PIC16f876
Şifre-Pass: 320volt.com
Published: 2011/01/02 Tags: microchip projects, microcontroller projects, pic16f876 projects, picbasic pro examples
Temperature Fan Control LCD Screen TCN75 Sensor PIC16f84A PICBASIC
The control circuit DS1621 application with which we have previously circuit ( PIC16F84A temperature fan control with LCD display -55 ° C / +125 ° C Picbasic ) TCN75 carried out with heat sensor state.
And we use this circuit to TCN75 DS1621 temperature sensor is a PIN to PIN . For this reason, we use the previous circuit , I use the same printed circuit board . A TCN75 , DS1621 easier than a sensor .
That is; I2CWRIT to read the DS1621 with the command to configure the device after posting DEGREE able to read , TCN75 not apply to this case . Their default values directly in the sensor reading is set up can be done . As can be seen from the program for DS1621 written as three lines of command is a single line for TCN75 .