Daha önce pc güç kaynağı kartı devresini paylaşmıştım yanına anfi kartıda iyi olur 🙂
Almost all modern sound cards are no longer integrated audio amplifier. For all those who have no external active speakers on the PC operating system, is This small stereo amplifier with a sine wave output power of 2 x 3.5 W conceived. Thus, any passive boxes with impedance between 4 ohm and 16 ohm directly connected to the PC. The compact amplifier is in a bracket mounted and is in the PC Built, the power supply is directly on the PC power supply.
· Requires very few external components
· Flexibility in use – stereo as well as mono BTL
· High output power (without bootstrap)
· Low offset voltage at output (important for BTL)
· Fixed gain
· Good ripple rejection
· Mute/stand-by switch
· Load dump protection
· A.C. and d.c. short-circuit-safe to ground and VP
· Thermally protected
· Reverse polarity safe
· Capability to handle high energy on outputs (VP = 0 V)
· No switch-on/switch-off plop
· Flexible leads
· Low thermal resistance
· Identical inputs (inverting and non-inverting)
· Compatible with TDA1518Q (except gain)
Şifre-Pass: 320volt.com
Yayım tarihi: 2008/04/17 Etiketler: amplifikatör devreleri, entegre anfi devreleri, pc amp module, TDA1516BQ
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