PC Klavye Ara Birim projelerinde LCD göstergeli ledli farklı uygulamalar var en güzelide kaynak asm kodlarırın olması 🙂 protokoller hakkında bilgiler şemalar ve daha bir çok bilgi bulunuyor
- AT keyboard interface with RS232 link using PIC16F84
- RS232 terminal with LCD display using PIC16F84
- Fully operating RS232 terminal with LCD display using PIC 16C74A
- RS232 terminal with LCD display and numeric foil-keypad using PIC16F77
- AT keyboard interface with RS232 link and Morse code PWM output using PIC16F84
- AT keyboard interface with LCD display, RS232 link and Morse code PWM output using PIC16F84
- RS232 Communication Test Routine with LCD
- Dual RS232 reception & transmission on PIC16F77
- Fully hardware controlled reception & transmission on PIC16F77 (PIC16C74A)
- Dual RS232 reception & transmission on PIC16F77
- RS232 based scan pattern debug routine for PIC16F84
- RS232 based debug and calibration routine for PIC16F77
- Software-based PWM decoding on PIC16F84 of DCF77 time information.
Kaynak: Projelere http://www.electronic-engineering.ch/microchip/projects/projects.html
Şifre-Pass: 320volt.com
Yayım tarihi: 2008/03/31 Etiketler: ara Birim, klavye, microchip pic projeleri, pc, PIC16C74, PIC16F77, PIC16F84 örnekleri, ps2 interface, rs232