Bir çok kişi bilyordur fakat pek kullanılmayan bir yöntem LVP “low voltage progamming” düşük voltaj programlama seri port rs232 üzerinden sadece 4 adet 10k direnç kullanılıyor. Bilgisayar programı olarak IC Prog kullanılabilir ayarlarda “programmer” ayarı JDM olarak seçilecek I/O-Delay 3 seviyesinde olacak “interface” ise windows API..
This is a very simple in-circuit-serial-programming (ICSP) solution for PICs capable of low-voltage-programming (LVP). All you need are some resistors. You can integrate these few parts directly into a 9pin (or 25pin) SUB-D connector housing, or you could think about integrating them into your final device where your PIC will have to go to work (for doing software updates when necessary).
For reading and writing program memory using this adapter, you also have to apply power to the PIC (+5V at Vdd) and tie MCLR to high level (Vdd) (Microchip suggests to use a resistor for MCLR because of latch-up risk). An oscillator circuit doesn’t have to be connected. Of course, connect the three lines PGD, PGC and PGM to this adapter, too.
Yayım tarihi: 2011/12/11 Etiketler: düşük voltaj programlama, low voltage progamming, lvp, lvp programlama
Hangi picler bu şekilde programlanabiliyor?
Pic 16F84 programlanabilir mi bu yöntemle
PIC16 serilerinde LVP özelliği yok.