IC-Databook bedava kullanışlı 40 ve 74 serisi entegreler için katalog programı 230 adet entegre bilgisi var Edit menüsünde Datasheet ve Directory bölümlerinden ekleme yapabiliyorsunuz bilgiler txt dosyalarında saklanıyor
In this IC-Databook Software you will find pin assignments, connection layouts, function tables and the most important specifications available for the 40x and the 74x IC series. In the actual software version are already the data of more than 230 different IC’s. You can easily add additionally IC’s add or edit existing IC’s and exchange them with other users.
Kaynak: progshop.com/shop/software/databook/databook.html
Şifre-Pass: 320volt.com
Yayım tarihi: 2008/09/29 Etiketler: 74xx, cmos, cmos entegreler, datasheet, entegre, Katalog Programı, lojik, ttl cmos databook, ttl entegreler
Awesome software. Thanks
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