Atmel atmega128 ds1307 tda5410 hard disk saat

| Mayıs 29, 2023 Tarihinde güncellendi
Atmel atmega128 ds1307 tda5410 hard disk saat

Daha önce “Bozuk HDD Değerlendirmek” başlığı altında bozuk hard diskleri değerlendirmek için bir kaç uygulamadan bahsetmiştim ben zımpara ile kullandım web üzerinde saat projeleri vardı şimdi paylaşılan projede hardisk saat ama oldukca profosyonel ve tüm kaynaklar paylaşılmış

Devre atmel atmega 128 üzerine kurulu diğer aktif entegreler ise ds1307 rtc saat ve tda5410 dc motor sürücü. Ayrıca uzaktan kumanda ile kontrol edilebiliyor RS232 haberleşme bölümü var hard diskin büyük bir bölümü smd rgb ledler ile donatılmış çeşitli efektrler var

smd rgb led hdd clock


ATMEGA128 mikro denetleyicisine dayanmaktadır. Programın flash belleğin %10’unu bile kaplamaz. Gerçek zamanlı bir saat olarak DS1307 çipini kullanılmış. Motor, veri sayfasından standart bir konfigürasyonda çalışan TDA5140A tarafından kontrol edilir. Cihaz, her şeyi bir araya getirdikten sonra önyükleyiciyi kullanarak yeni yazılım yükleyebileceğiniz bir RS232 arayüzü ile donatılmıştır. ATMEGA128 kumanda Kontrol, RC5 standardında çalışan küçük bir evrensel uzaktan kumanda kullanılarak yapılır. Arka ışık olarak nispeten parlak üç renkli SMD LED’ler kullanılmış.

Devrenin büyük bir kısmında smd malzemeler kullanılmış. Atmel kullanıcıları için yazılım ve tasarımda bir çok konuda (rgb, pwm, uzuktan kumanda, motor sürücü vb.) iyi bir örnek olacağı kesin tüm kaynak dosyalar bulunuyor

Bozuk sabit diski değerlendirmek için çok masraflı uğraştırıcı bir uygulama ama sonuç süper

Devrenin çalışma görüntüleri

main.c yazılım içeriği

  ####	HDDClock driver source code  		#####
  ####	file: main.c						#####
  ####	date: Aug 18th, 2009				#####


#include "twi.h"
#include "rtc.h"
#include "tables.h"

//############### UART definitions #########################################
#define BAUD 38400
#define MYUBRR ((F_CPU / (16 * BAUD)) - 1)

//############### General purpose definitions ##############################
#define MOTPIN PA0

#define RED_LED	PB5
#define GREEN_LED PB6
#define BLUE_LED PB7

#define MOT_ON() (MOTPORT |= (1 << MOTPIN))
#define MOT_OFF() (MOTPORT &= ~(1 << MOTPIN))

#define RED 0			
#define GREEN 1
#define BLUE 2

#define RESOLUTION 240		//the number of steps the circle is divided into
#define NUMBER_OF_MODES 6	//the number of diffrent displaying modes

#define PWM_TOP 39			//PWM top value
#define PWM_RED OCR1A		//red diode output compare register 
#define PWM_GREEN OCR1B		//green diode output compare register 	
#define PWM_BLUE OCR1C		//blue diode output compare register 	

//############### Remote control feature definitions ########################
#define HALF_BIT 3			//duration of a half of a RC5 code bit 	}		
#define ONE_BIT 7			//duration of a RC5 code bit 			} in Timer2 ticks (f=4096Hz)	
#define DELTA 1				//time measurement error				}

#define RC_IN PE5			//input of the receiver

#define DEVICE_ADDRESS 0x00	//address of the clock (same as Philips' TV)
#define RC_POWER 0x0C		//POWER button code (same as POWER on Philips' RC)
#define RC_SET 0x0D			//SET button code (MUTE on Philips' RC)
#define RC_PLUS 0x20		//PLUS button code (CHANNEL+ on Philips' RC)
#define RC_MINUS 0x21		//MINUS button code (CHANNEL- on Philips' RC)

#define STATE_NORMAL 0x00	
#define STATE_SETTING 0x01		

//########### General purpose global variables' declaration #####################
uint8_t g_pos;					//the position of the disc
uint8_t g_data_rtc[8];			//rtc data buffer
uint8_t g_timer2_ovf;			//Timer2 overflows counter
uint8_t g_reminder;				//see below

uint8_t g_seconds;				//seconds register	}
uint8_t g_minutes;				//minutes register	}	already preprocessed to 240steps/cicrle
uint8_t g_hours;				//hours register	}

uint8_t g_uart_buffer[10];
uint8_t g_uart_counter;			//received chars counter

uint8_t g_mode;					//current displaying mode
uint8_t g_power_on;				//power on indicator

//########### Remote control feature global variables' declaration ###############
int8_t g_rc_bit_counter;		//number of received bits
uint8_t g_rc_command;			//received command (bit 7 is toogle bit)
uint8_t g_rc_idle_counter;		

uint8_t g_rc_state = STATE_NORMAL;	//initial state
uint8_t g_rc_hold_counter;			//for hold-button feature

void USART1_Init( unsigned int ubrr );
unsigned char USART1_Receive( void );
void USART1_Transmit( unsigned char data );
void USART1_Transmit( unsigned char data );
void send_str( unsigned char *str );
void rc_process_command(uint8_t command);

//############# UART functions, useful for debugging ##########
void USART1_Init( unsigned int ubrr )
	/* Set baud rate */
	UBRR1H = (unsigned char)(ubrr>>8);
	UBRR1L = (unsigned char)ubrr;
	/* Enable receiver and transmitter */
	UCSR1B = (1< 20)		//and don't let it overflow
			g_rc_hold_counter = 20;
		g_rc_hold_counter = 0;
	last_command = command;	
	switch(command & 0b01111111)		//mask the toggle bit
	case RC_POWER:						//POWER button is pressed
		if(g_power_on == 1)
			g_power_on = 0;			
			MOT_OFF();					//stop the motor
			g_power_on = 1;
			MOT_ON();					//start the motor
		g_rc_state = STATE_NORMAL;		//set state as NORMAL
		EIMSK &= ~_BV(RC_IN);			//disable RC feature for a while
	case RC_SET:						//SET button is pressed
		if(g_power_on)					//react only if power is on (motor spins)
			switch(g_rc_state)			//reaction depends on current state
			case STATE_NORMAL:						//in normal state
				g_rc_state = STATE_SETTING;			
				g_seconds = 0;						//clear seconds register
				g_minutes = (g_minutes / 4) * 4; 	//adjust minute hand
			case STATE_SETTING:						//in time setting state
				g_rc_state = STATE_NORMAL;
				g_data_rtc[SECONDS_ADDR] = 0;				//prepare
				g_data_rtc[MINUTES_ADDR] = g_minutes / 4;	//data before
				g_data_rtc[HOURS_ADDR] = g_hours / 20;		//sending it to RTC
				if(g_data_rtc[HOURS_ADDR] == 0)			//RTC is working in 1-12 am/pm
					g_data_rtc[HOURS_ADDR] = 12;

				for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
					g_data_rtc[i] = DECtoBCD(g_data_rtc[i]);	//convert to RCD format
				g_data_rtc[HOURS_ADDR] |= 0b00100000;		//set am/pm mode bit
				WriteBufI2C(0x00, g_data_rtc, 7);			//send it to RTC
			EIMSK &= ~_BV(RC_IN);							//disable RC feature for a while
	case RC_PLUS:						//PLUS button is pressed
		if(g_power_on)					//react only if power is on (motor spins)
			switch(g_rc_state)			//reaction depends on current state
			case STATE_NORMAL:			//in normal state change displaying mode
				if(g_mode == NUMBER_OF_MODES - 1)
					g_mode = 0;
				g_rc_idle_counter = 2;	
				EIMSK &= ~_BV(RC_IN);			//disable RC feature for a while	
			case STATE_SETTING:				//in time setting mode
				if(g_rc_hold_counter < 20)	//if PLUS button is not held for a long time
					g_minutes += 4;			//move second hand 4 steps forward
					if(g_minutes == RESOLUTION)	
						g_minutes = 0;
					if(g_minutes % 12 == 0) //if divisible
						g_hours++;			//move hour hand one step forward
						if(g_hours == RESOLUTION)
							g_hours = 0;
				else		//PLUS button is held for a long time
					if(g_minutes % 24)		//while not divisible do the same as above
						g_minutes += 4;
						if(g_minutes == 240)
							g_minutes = 0;
						if(g_minutes % 12 == 0)
							if(g_hours == 240)
								g_hours = 0;
						g_minutes += 24;		//move minute hand 24 step forward
						if(g_minutes == 240)
							g_minutes = 0;
						g_hours += 2;			//move hour hand 
						if(g_hours == 240)
							g_hours = 0;						
	case RC_MINUS:						//MINUS button is pressed
		if(g_power_on)					//react only if power is on (motor spins)
			case STATE_NORMAL:			//in normal state change displaying mode
				if(g_mode == 0)
					g_mode = NUMBER_OF_MODES - 1;
				g_rc_idle_counter = 2;
				EIMSK &= ~_BV(RC_IN);		//disable RC feature for a while
			case STATE_SETTING:				//in time setting mode
				if(g_rc_hold_counter < 20)	//if MINUS button is not held for a long time
					if(g_minutes == 0)
						g_minutes = 240;
					g_minutes -= 4;				//move minute hand 4 steps back
					if(g_minutes % 12 == 0)	//if divisible
						if(g_hours == 0)
							g_hours = 240;
						g_hours--;				//move hour hand one step back
				else			//MINUS button is held for a long time
					if(g_minutes % 24)	//while not divisible do the same as above
						if(g_minutes == 0)
							g_minutes = 240;
						g_minutes -= 4;
						if(g_minutes % 12 == 0)
							if(g_hours == 0)
								g_hours = 240;
						if(g_minutes == 0)
							g_minutes = 240;
						g_minutes -= 24;	//move minute hand 24 steps back
						if(g_hours == 0)
							g_hours = 240;	
						g_hours -= 2;		//move hour hand 2 steps back

//################## UART receive completed interrupt routine ###############
	g_uart_buffer[g_uart_counter] = UDR1;
	//if string 'RESET' is received enable the watchdog and wait for the chip reset
	//this feature is used to programm ATMEGA via bootloader
	//bootloader used in this project (MegaLoad) can be downloaded from
	if(g_uart_counter == 5)
		if( g_uart_buffer[0] == 'R' &&
			g_uart_buffer[1] == 'E' &&
			g_uart_buffer[2] == 'S' &&
			g_uart_buffer[3] == 'E' &&
			g_uart_buffer[4] == 'T')

//################# TIMER3 input capture interrupt routine #######################
//when the slit in the disc comes next to the detector this interrupt is called
	TCNT3 = 0;	//clear timer
	if(((ICR3 > 33900) || (ETIFR & _BV(TOV3))) || !g_power_on) //if the disc spins to slow 
		ETIFR |= _BV(TOV3);						//clear overflow flag
		PWM_RED = PWM_TOP;						//}
		PWM_GREEN = PWM_TOP;					//}	and turn off all of the diodes
		PWM_BLUE = PWM_TOP;						//}
		return;								//leave this routine
	OCR0 = ICR3/RESOLUTION;						//compute time for one step
	g_reminder = ICR3 - (OCR0*RESOLUTION);		//compute reminder
	g_pos = RESOLUTION/2;						//set proper position (12 o'clock=0, 6 o'clock = RESOLUTION/2)
	TCNT0 = OCR0 - 2;							//timer0 compare interrupt must be called as soon as possible
	TIMSK |= _BV(OCIE0);						//enable timer0 compare interrupt

//################# TIMER0 compare interupt routine #######################
//this routine is used to display all of the patterns you see
	uint8_t tmp_red = PWM_TOP + 1,
			tmp_green = PWM_TOP + 1,
			tmp_blue = PWM_TOP + 1;		//temporary color registers
	if(g_pos == RESOLUTION/2 - 1)	  	//if it's last interrupt in the cycle
		TIMSK &= ~_BV(OCIE0);			//disable this interrupt
	if(g_reminder == 0)	//if reminder becomes zero, decrease output compare register
		OCR0--;				//with this trick image becomes more solid, no jitter can be seen
	if(g_pos == RESOLUTION) //clear if overflow	
		g_pos = 0;

	if(g_rc_state != STATE_SETTING) //do not display second hand if time is being set
		switch(g_pos - g_seconds) 	//compute which part of second hand should be now displayed
		{							//and read color value from flash memory
			case -4:
			case RESOLUTION - 4:
				tmp_red 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_second_hand[g_mode][RED][0]);
				tmp_green 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_second_hand[g_mode][GREEN][0]);
				tmp_blue 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_second_hand[g_mode][BLUE][0]);
			case -3:
			case RESOLUTION - 3:
				tmp_red 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_second_hand[g_mode][RED][1]);
				tmp_green 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_second_hand[g_mode][GREEN][1]);
				tmp_blue 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_second_hand[g_mode][BLUE][1]);
			case -2:
			case RESOLUTION - 2:
				tmp_red 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_second_hand[g_mode][RED][2]);
				tmp_green 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_second_hand[g_mode][GREEN][2]);
				tmp_blue 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_second_hand[g_mode][BLUE][2]);
			case -1:
			case RESOLUTION - 1:
				tmp_red 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_second_hand[g_mode][RED][3]);
				tmp_green 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_second_hand[g_mode][GREEN][3]);
				tmp_blue 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_second_hand[g_mode][BLUE][3]);
			case 0:
				tmp_red 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_second_hand[g_mode][RED][4]);
				tmp_green 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_second_hand[g_mode][GREEN][4]);
				tmp_blue 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_second_hand[g_mode][BLUE][4]);
			case 1:
			case -RESOLUTION + 1:
				tmp_red 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_second_hand[g_mode][RED][5]);
				tmp_green 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_second_hand[g_mode][GREEN][5]);
				tmp_blue 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_second_hand[g_mode][BLUE][5]);	
			case 2:
			case -RESOLUTION + 2:
				tmp_red 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_second_hand[g_mode][RED][6]);
				tmp_green 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_second_hand[g_mode][GREEN][6]);
				tmp_blue 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_second_hand[g_mode][BLUE][6]);	
			case 3:
			case -RESOLUTION + 3:
				tmp_red 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_second_hand[g_mode][RED][7]);
				tmp_green 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_second_hand[g_mode][GREEN][7]);
				tmp_blue 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_second_hand[g_mode][BLUE][7]);	
			case 4:
			case -RESOLUTION + 4:
				tmp_red 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_second_hand[g_mode][RED][8]);
				tmp_green 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_second_hand[g_mode][GREEN][8]);
				tmp_blue 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_second_hand[g_mode][BLUE][8]);	

	//if temporary registers are not updated
	if((tmp_red == PWM_TOP + 1) && (tmp_green == PWM_TOP + 1) && (tmp_blue == PWM_TOP + 1))
		switch(g_pos - g_minutes) 	//compute which part of minute hand should be now displayed
		{							//and read color value from flash memory
			case -4:
			case RESOLUTION - 4:
				tmp_red 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_minute_hand[g_mode][RED][0]);
				tmp_green 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_minute_hand[g_mode][GREEN][0]);
				tmp_blue 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_minute_hand[g_mode][BLUE][0]);
			case -3:
			case RESOLUTION - 3:
				tmp_red 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_minute_hand[g_mode][RED][1]);
				tmp_green 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_minute_hand[g_mode][GREEN][1]);
				tmp_blue 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_minute_hand[g_mode][BLUE][1]);
			case -2:
			case RESOLUTION - 2:
				tmp_red 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_minute_hand[g_mode][RED][2]);
				tmp_green 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_minute_hand[g_mode][GREEN][2]);
				tmp_blue 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_minute_hand[g_mode][BLUE][2]);
			case -1:
			case RESOLUTION - 1:
				tmp_red 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_minute_hand[g_mode][RED][3]);
				tmp_green 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_minute_hand[g_mode][GREEN][3]);
				tmp_blue 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_minute_hand[g_mode][BLUE][3]);
			case 0:
				tmp_red 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_minute_hand[g_mode][RED][4]);
				tmp_green 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_minute_hand[g_mode][GREEN][4]);
				tmp_blue 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_minute_hand[g_mode][BLUE][4]);
			case 1:
			case -RESOLUTION + 1:
				tmp_red 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_minute_hand[g_mode][RED][5]);
				tmp_green 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_minute_hand[g_mode][GREEN][5]);
				tmp_blue 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_minute_hand[g_mode][BLUE][5]);	
			case 2:
			case -RESOLUTION + 2:
				tmp_red 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_minute_hand[g_mode][RED][6]);
				tmp_green 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_minute_hand[g_mode][GREEN][6]);
				tmp_blue 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_minute_hand[g_mode][BLUE][6]);	
			case 3:
			case -RESOLUTION + 3:
				tmp_red 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_minute_hand[g_mode][RED][7]);
				tmp_green 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_minute_hand[g_mode][GREEN][7]);
				tmp_blue 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_minute_hand[g_mode][BLUE][7]);	
			case 4:
			case -RESOLUTION + 4:
				tmp_red 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_minute_hand[g_mode][RED][8]);
				tmp_green 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_minute_hand[g_mode][GREEN][8]);
				tmp_blue 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_minute_hand[g_mode][BLUE][8]);	
	//if temporary registers are not updated
	if((tmp_red == PWM_TOP + 1) && (tmp_green == PWM_TOP + 1) && (tmp_blue == PWM_TOP + 1))	
		switch(g_pos - g_hours)
			case -4:
			case RESOLUTION - 4:
				tmp_red 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_hour_hand[g_mode][RED][0]);
				tmp_green 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_hour_hand[g_mode][GREEN][0]);
				tmp_blue 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_hour_hand[g_mode][BLUE][0]);
			case -3:
			case RESOLUTION - 3:
				tmp_red 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_hour_hand[g_mode][RED][1]);
				tmp_green 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_hour_hand[g_mode][GREEN][1]);
				tmp_blue 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_hour_hand[g_mode][BLUE][1]);
			case -2:
			case RESOLUTION - 2:
				tmp_red 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_hour_hand[g_mode][RED][2]);
				tmp_green 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_hour_hand[g_mode][GREEN][2]);
				tmp_blue 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_hour_hand[g_mode][BLUE][2]);
			case -1:
			case RESOLUTION - 1:
				tmp_red 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_hour_hand[g_mode][RED][3]);
				tmp_green 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_hour_hand[g_mode][GREEN][3]);
				tmp_blue 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_hour_hand[g_mode][BLUE][3]);
			case 0:
				tmp_red 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_hour_hand[g_mode][RED][4]);
				tmp_green 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_hour_hand[g_mode][GREEN][4]);
				tmp_blue 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_hour_hand[g_mode][BLUE][4]);
			case 1:
			case -RESOLUTION + 1:
				tmp_red 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_hour_hand[g_mode][RED][5]);
				tmp_green 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_hour_hand[g_mode][GREEN][5]);
				tmp_blue 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_hour_hand[g_mode][BLUE][5]);	
			case 2:
			case -RESOLUTION + 2:
				tmp_red 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_hour_hand[g_mode][RED][6]);
				tmp_green 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_hour_hand[g_mode][GREEN][6]);
				tmp_blue 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_hour_hand[g_mode][BLUE][6]);	
			case 3:
			case -RESOLUTION + 3:
				tmp_red 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_hour_hand[g_mode][RED][7]);
				tmp_green 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_hour_hand[g_mode][GREEN][7]);
				tmp_blue 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_hour_hand[g_mode][BLUE][7]);	
			case 4:
			case -RESOLUTION + 4:
				tmp_red 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_hour_hand[g_mode][RED][8]);
				tmp_green 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_hour_hand[g_mode][GREEN][8]);
				tmp_blue 	= pgm_read_byte(&g_hour_hand[g_mode][BLUE][8]);	

	//if temporary registers aren't updated that means the hands aren't being displayed now
	if((tmp_red != PWM_TOP + 1) || (tmp_green != PWM_TOP + 1) || (tmp_blue != PWM_TOP + 1))
		if(g_rc_state == STATE_SETTING)  //if time is being set 
			if(g_timer2_ovf & 0x02) 	//minute and second hand should blink
				PWM_RED = tmp_red;
				PWM_GREEN = tmp_green;
				PWM_BLUE = tmp_blue;	
				if(g_rc_hold_counter != 0) //don't blink if any button is held
					PWM_RED = tmp_red;
					PWM_GREEN = tmp_green;
					PWM_BLUE = tmp_blue;
					PWM_RED = pgm_read_byte(&g_background[g_mode][RED][g_pos]);
					PWM_GREEN = pgm_read_byte(&g_background[g_mode][GREEN][g_pos]);
					PWM_BLUE = pgm_read_byte(&g_background[g_mode][BLUE][g_pos]);			
		else		//display stored values
			PWM_RED = tmp_red;
			PWM_GREEN = tmp_green;
			PWM_BLUE = tmp_blue;		
	else  //display background, also stored in flash memomy

		if(g_mode == 5)
			//one special mode - background is changing
			PWM_RED = pgm_read_byte(&g_background[2][RED][g_seconds]);
			PWM_GREEN = pgm_read_byte(&g_background[2][GREEN][g_seconds]);
			PWM_BLUE = pgm_read_byte(&g_background[2][BLUE][g_seconds]);
			//basic modes
			PWM_RED = pgm_read_byte(&g_background[g_mode][RED][g_pos]);
			PWM_GREEN = pgm_read_byte(&g_background[g_mode][GREEN][g_pos]);
			PWM_BLUE = pgm_read_byte(&g_background[g_mode][BLUE][g_pos]);

	g_pos++;		//increase position
	g_reminder--;	//decrease reminder

//################# TIMER2 overflow interupt routine #######################
//Timer2 is clocked using external 4096Hz generator (square wave from RTC)
//this routine updates internal time registers and clear some general purpose registers
	g_timer2_ovf++; 		//increase overflows counter
	static uint8_t last_rc_bit_counter = 0;
	if(last_rc_bit_counter == g_rc_bit_counter) 	//this indicates error, transmission was stopped
		g_rc_bit_counter = 0;						//clear remote control bit counter
	last_rc_bit_counter = g_rc_bit_counter;
	if(g_timer2_ovf == 4)	// 4*255*(1/4096Hz) = 0,25s elapsed
		g_uart_counter = 0;  //clear uart char counter
		g_timer2_ovf = 0;    //clear timer2 overflow counter
		g_rc_idle_counter++; //increase remote control idle counter
		if(g_rc_idle_counter == 4) //if 1s elapsed
			g_rc_idle_counter = 0;	
			g_rc_hold_counter = 0;	//clear button hold counter
			EIMSK |= _BV(RC_IN);	//enable remote control interrupt
		if(g_rc_state != STATE_SETTING) //if time is being set don't update time registers
			//remember that these valuse are already preprocessed so one full circle = 240steps
			if(g_seconds == RESOLUTION)
				g_seconds = 0;

			if(g_seconds % 60 == 0)
				if(g_minutes == RESOLUTION)
					g_minutes = 0;
				if(g_minutes % 12 == 0)
					if(g_hours == 240)
						g_hours = 0;

//######## External interupt5 routine ##############
//Input INT5 is conntected to the IR receiver
//this routine is called either rising or falling edge comes on INT5
//Philips RC5 code is manchester linear code
	static uint8_t timer2_buf_a = 0;
	static uint8_t timer2_buf_b = 0;		
	static uint8_t timer2_ovf_buf = 0;
	static uint16_t data_buf = 0;			//static buffer regeisters
	static uint8_t edge_position = 0;		//edge position indicator
											//if even the edge is at the begining of a bit
											//if odd the edge is in the of a bit
											//for more details see Manchester code specification
	uint8_t tmp_time;	
	uint8_t tmp_command;	//helpful registers

	g_rc_idle_counter = 0; 		//something is being received so clear rc idle register
	if(g_rc_bit_counter == 0)	//transmission has just begun
		timer2_buf_a = TCNT2;			//store timer2 data register
		timer2_ovf_buf = g_timer2_ovf;	//and timer2 overflow counter

		if(PINE & _BV(RC_IN))			//if RC_IN pin is high
			data_buf = 0x0000;			//error occured, this situation isn't correct
			data_buf = 0x8000;			//first start bit received
			g_rc_bit_counter++;			//increase bit counder
			edge_position = 1;			//first received egde is in the middle of the bit
		timer2_buf_b = TCNT2;		//store in register 'b'
		if(timer2_ovf_buf != g_timer2_ovf)	//if timer2 overflowed meanwhile
			tmp_time =  255 - timer2_buf_a + timer2_buf_b + 1;	//compute time since last edge
			timer2_ovf_buf = g_timer2_ovf;
			tmp_time =  timer2_buf_b - timer2_buf_a;			//compute time since last edge
		timer2_buf_a = timer2_buf_b;							//update register 'a'
		//if half of a bit time elapsed
		if((tmp_time >= HALF_BIT - DELTA) && (tmp_time <= HALF_BIT + DELTA)) 
			edge_position++;			//increase edge position
			if(edge_position & 0x01)	//decode if it's middle-bit edge
				if(!(PINE & _BV(RC_IN)))
					data_buf |= _BV(15 - g_rc_bit_counter);
		//if one bit time elapsed
		else if((tmp_time >= ONE_BIT - DELTA) && (tmp_time <= ONE_BIT + DELTA))
			edge_position += 2;			//increase edge position with 2
			if(edge_position & 0x01)	//decode if it's middle-bit edge
				if(!(PINE & _BV(RC_IN)))
					data_buf |= _BV(15 - g_rc_bit_counter);
			g_rc_bit_counter = 0;		//erroc ocurred, clear bit counter register
		if(g_rc_bit_counter == 14)		//if 14 bits are received
			//validate received data
			if((data_buf & _BV(15)) && (data_buf & _BV(14)))	//start bits are both '1'
				if(((data_buf >> 8) & 0b00011111) == DEVICE_ADDRESS)  //the message is addressed to the clock
					if(data_buf & _BV(13)) //toogle bit is '1'
						tmp_command = 0b10000000 | ((data_buf >> 2) & 0b00111111);
						tmp_command = ((data_buf >> 2) & 0b00111111);
					rc_process_command(tmp_command); //process received command	
			g_rc_bit_counter = 0;

void init_timers(void)
	TCCR3B |= _BV(CS31);		//}
	ETIMSK |= _BV(TICIE3);		//}enable timer3 input capture interrupt on falling edge
	TCCR0 |= _BV(WGM01) | _BV(CS01);	//}
	OCR0 = 255;							//}enable timer0 output compare feature (LEDs PWM driving)
	TCCR2 |= _BV(CS22) | _BV(CS21); 	//}configure timer2 as a external clocked counter
	TIMSK |= _BV(TOIE2);				//}and enable overflow interupt
	TCCR1A |= (_BV(WGM11) | _BV(COM1A1) | _BV(COM1B1) | _BV(COM1C1)| 	//}enable timer1 
	_BV(COM1A0) | _BV(COM1B0) | _BV(COM1C0));							//}output compare
	TCCR1B |= (_BV(WGM13) | _BV(WGM12) |  _BV(CS10));					//}negative polarity
	ICR1 = PWM_TOP;														//set PWM top value
	PWM_RED = PWM_TOP;													//}
	PWM_GREEN = PWM_TOP;												//}turn off all leds
	PWM_BLUE = PWM_TOP;													//}

int main(void)
	USART1_Init ( MYUBRR );
	EICRB |= _BV(ISC50);
	EIMSK |= _BV(RC_IN); //enable RC interrupt, both edges
	_delay_ms(200);	//wait for all devices to warm up

	SetPointer(0x00);					//set i2c pointer to the begin
	ReadBufI2C(g_data_rtc, 8);			//read all data

	WriteI2C(SECONDS_ADDR, 0b01111111 & g_data_rtc[SECONDS_ADDR]); //enable oscilator
	WriteI2C(CONTROL_ADDR, 0b10010001); 							//enable RTC square wave output,
																	//without these lines RC will not work
																	//and all hands will stay still
	g_data_rtc[HOURS_ADDR] &= 0b00011111; //mask am/pm bit
	uint8_t i;
	for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
		g_data_rtc[i] = BCDtoDEC(g_data_rtc[i]); //convert to decimal format
	//now these values must be preprocessed to 240steps/cicrle format
	g_seconds = 4*g_data_rtc[SECONDS_ADDR] ;
	g_minutes = 4*g_data_rtc[MINUTES_ADDR] + (g_data_rtc[SECONDS_ADDR] / 15);
	g_hours   = 20*(g_data_rtc[HOURS_ADDR]%12) + (g_data_rtc[MINUTES_ADDR]/3);
	MOT_ON(); 		//start the motor
	g_power_on = 1;	//set power indicator
	sei();			//enable interrupts
	while(1);		//and let them do all the job

	return 0;

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Yayım tarihi: 2009/11/21 Etiketler: , , , , , , , , ,

1 Yorum “Atmel atmega128 ds1307 tda5410 hard disk saat

  1. 802.11g802.11g

    Uzaktan kumanda hakkında hiç bir bilgi verilmemiş nasıl olmalı veya nerden temin edilir ? RS232 mevcut ICSP diye açık şemada belirtilen yer mevcut ATMEL’i buradan mı programlayacağız yoksa saati ayarlamak için mi kullanılacak ?


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