Led dimer devresinde lm358 opamplar ile pwm tekniği kullanılmış ledli el feneri olarak kullanılabilir. Proje hakkında tüm bilgiler (ingilize) verilmiş.
This webpage describes a highly efficient LED dimmer, or a dimmable LED flashlight, or a switching current source, or whatever you want to call it. Cheap, single-IC, uses commonly available parts, easy to build. Designed to get the longest light out of a (rechargable) battery, ideal in emergency situations: some 24+ hours for a single white LED at full brightness from a cheap 9V, 200mAh battery. Works well from 4 up to at least 30 Volts; may even vary over time, while the brightness level is maintained essentially constant. Can drive as many LEDs
Şifre-Pass: 320volt.com
Yayım tarihi: 2010/02/22 Etiketler: dcdc led, dimer devresi, led dimer, led el feneri, led uygulamaları, LM358, pwm devreleri