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USB LCD/VFD Controller is a HD44870 based LCD/VFD controller via USB interface. The control command is compatible with Matrix-Orbital’s LCD module.
So, you can use any MO friendly software to control this baby. Such as LCDC.The firmware are based on David Potter’s Serial LCD/VFD Display, but I almost rewrite the entire code.
I build this controller based on a PIC16F873 MCU. The main feature are:
Use a FTDI FT232BM chip as the USB bus controller.
The whole device are work in Bus-Power mode, and no external power are needed.
Supports industry-standard LCD interface (Hitachi HD44780 or “14/16 pin” interface)
Configured for 16×2,20×2,20×4,40×2 LCD/VFD module.
Hareware 19200-baud RS-232 input, 96 bytes of receive buffer. Flow control are not supported Standard software commands such as clear screen, cursor move, etc.
Supports custom characters,The LCD/VFD can configured via commands
The Splash screen can changed to whatever you want
2 GPO,4×4 Keypad,The LCD contrast could be configured by software
Serial LCD/VFD Controller is a HD44870 based LCD/VFD controller via RS-232. The control command is compatible with Matrix-Orbital’s LCD module.
So, you can use any MO friendly software to control this baby. Such as LCDC.The firmware are based on David Potter’s Serial LCD/VFD Display, but I almost rewrite the entire code.
I build this controller based on a PIC16F628 MCU. The main feature are:
Supports industry-standard LCD interface (Hitachi HD44780 or “14/16 pin” interface)
Configured for 16×2,20×2,20×4,40×2 LCD/VFD module.
Hareware 19200-baud RS-232 input, 96 bytes of receive buffer. Flow control are not supported Standard software commands such as clear screen, cursor move, etc.
Supports custom characters,The LCD/VFD can configured via RS232
The Splash screen can changed to whatever you want,2 GPO
Şifre-Pass: 320volt.com
Yayım tarihi: 2008/03/17 Etiketler: kontrol, lcd devreleri, microchip pic projeleri, PIC16F628 örnekleri, PIC16F873, rs232, seri, usb, vfd