Kaynak Java ve Avr C dosyaları var bilgisayar ile RS232 port üzerinden haberleşme yapılıyor Java GUI Arayüzü bulunmakta Ayrıca devre üzerinde 2×16 lcd gösterge var java ile elektronik devreler tasarlayan kişilerin işine yarayabilir….
Since I purchasable devices were either dissatisfied or me but this simply too expensive appeared, I had a long time before my own battery charger for NIMH to build.The device should be both very small batteries as well as greater load and also with the battery packs from multiple cells can circumvent
Java GUI
In order to capture the readings was a GUI written in Java. For the Serial Communications, the Lib RXTX used.This provides support for various platforms and processors. The program has been tested only under Linux.
# Controller: ATmega168 with 8MHz
# Input voltage: 7V to 20V
# Charging: 5mA up to 2.4 A
# Discharge: 2.4 A max
# Charging: Konststantstrom
# Number of cells: 1-8 (the maximum number depends on the input voltage)
# Serial interface to the data to a PC to transfer
# 2×16 LCD modes for selecting and displaying the battery values
#Four key operation
Kaynak: marwedels.de/malte/akkulader1/index.php
Şifre-Pass: 320volt.com
Yayım tarihi: 2008/10/01 Etiketler: atmega, ATmega168, atmel avr projeleri, atmel devreleri, java GUI, NIMH şarj devresi