Devrelerin çoğu pic16f628a ile gerçekleştirilmiş 1 adet pic16f877 ve bir adet pic16f872 ile yapılmış devre var Kaynak .bas kodları ile güzel projeler tüm proje dosyaları zip olarak sıkıştırılmış içlerinde devrelerin tamamlanmış hallerinin resimleri word dosyası olarak açıklama pdf şema kaynak kodlar splan ile hazırlanmış kaynak şema bazılarında sprint layout ile hazırlanmış pcb çizimleri var.
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Son olarak projeler içinde kısa süre önce aklımdan geçen daha önceleride hakkında çok araştırma deneme yaptığım ve pes edip peşini bıraktığım dc panel metre devresi var tam istediğim gibi 0 50 Volt 0 5 Amper Sıcaklık göstergeli bir devre olsa çok işime yarar diyordum ne gariptir tam istediğim değerlerde özelliklerde bir devre karşıma çıktı garip 🙂 çalışırsa süper olacak umarım kısa sürede bu devreyi yapıp paylaşırım
Umarım bu örneklerin sizlere bir faydası dokunur feyz verir daha iyilerini yaparsınız.
DC-power panel meters (16f877)
Often controlled network devices with analog or digital gauges mounting such operations. On the market will help many variants in different price ranges offered. The presented DC-power panel meter provides an alternative and met alongside the actual display function also some control and monitoring functions.
Here are the technical data of the DC Power Panel Meters:
• voltage in the range of display: 0 … 50.0 volts
• Electricity in the area of Ad: 0 Ampere 5.00 …
• performance in the field of display: 0 … 250.0 watts
• Ad resistivity in the range: 0 … 5000.0 ohms
• limit set for voltage in the range: 1.0 … 50.0 V to 0.5 V Steps
• limit set for electricity in the range: 0.1 … 5.00 A 0.05 A-Steps
• temperature limit set for transformer in the area of: 40 … 100 ° C in 1 ° steps
• temperature limit set for heatsinks in the range of: 40 … 120 ° C in 1 ° steps
• Einschaltpunkt fan is fixed for 20 ° C below the limit set for heatsinks
• off for fan fix is 30 ° C below the limit set for heatsinks
• Constant monitoring of limits and display in Excess
• Immediate shutdown of output in each limit exceeded
• On and off the output via separate buttons with status display
• LCD display with 4 lines per 20 characters and backlight
• Two modes: current readings limit set menu
• storing all limits in PIC EEPROM
• Control of the relay for fans and output
The hardware can be divided into one analog and one digital divide. While in the very concise and minimum of digital circuitry area largely dominated by the PIC, had in the analog part of a significantly higher operating expenses. This effort was caused by the Stromessung. The PIC can, with its analog inputs only tensions in the range of approximately 0 … 5V measured, and even against the mass. Therefore, the Op Amps with a UI converter created the current over a voltage drop on a shunt for the PIC evaluable voltage implements. In our case, 5V at the exit of Op Amps equal 5A. The output of the network device is a simple voltage divider adapted to the PIC. 50V meet here on equal power at 5V analog input of the PIC. The wiring of the DC-power panel meter in the power supply is the wiring diagram below.
To measure the temperatures vary a temperature sensor of the type KTY81-110 for the transformer and heatsink planned. The sensors are located so as to be a possible low thermal resistance between sensor and target setting. For adjusting should be a limit of 40 ° C can be. Then the sensors are a heat source to suspend approximately 50 ° C corresponds. Thereafter, the potentiometer P1 and P2 so that the currently displayed limit the reading of the thermometer is compared. The measured temperatures are not particularly accurate, deviations of up to 5% and bring more of the sensors already in house. Vorgesehnen for the purpose of this is more than sufficient.
Deko Lichtspiele with light (16f628a)
With this project should be an existing shelf with glass doors by a decorative lighting will be upgraded. When the shelf is in this case to the model Billy with the front wheels Billy Nyckelby, both at a very famous Swedish furniture market.
As in the photos ersichtlicht, arose from the shelf by the division and arrangement of a lamp bulbs area consists of 3 x 3 luminous fields, the task of the PIC is now available on the illuminated area continuously display different patterns.
The hardware and software was on the evaluation board flash of inspiration with the PIC BASIC compiler iL_BAS16Pro developed and Tested.
BCD performance Resistance Decade (16f628a)
The circuit consists of the PIC, two driver IC for controlling the power transistors as well as two buttons to adjust the program. In addition, an efficient power supply for the lighting and the PIC needed.
The PIC is for this task with its internal oscillator which operated the external quartz unnecessary. About the TTL inverter SN 7407 with an open collector, the Leistungstransis-driven factors. The SCM typical LEDs are not required for operation. But they were during the programming model a helpful control.
In the light bulbs used here are ca, 30 cm long mini-fluorescent lamps as they often KFZ area’s. The operation of these lamps is at 12 volts DC at a current of 200 mA per lamp. Coincidentally, these bulbs in the probe range offered a large electronics market, so that the election was pointed. Of course, also other light sources operate with this circuit. Perhaps then appropriate adjustments to the power amplifiers made.
Multi funktions steckdose (pic16f872)
This project arose from the idea, a network located on consumers, at certain time intervals, to its power to monitor. Takes place within a specified time window no power as an alarm should be triggered. Typical representative for such consumers could example a refrigerator or freezer. In another project came after still adding more features. Overall, the multi-outlet nine functions. This function menus have the following responsibilities:
Menu 0 – determining the threshold for triggering the current flow to be monitored.
Here the determination of an appropriate threshold for triggering the current flow to be monitored instead. More than 4 DIL switch can be a total of 16 different trigger thresholds set. The switching thresholds were so divided that half the lower and upper stream areas. If you want e.g. a freezing chest monitor, it is not the flow of the scheme interesting, but the date from which the engine is running cold. So here is a higher trigger threshold required. Operates the multi-outlet, however, as master-slave outlet, you may receive a much smaller switch desired. Is an appropriate trigger point is found by the green LED display.
Preset counter with LCD display (PIC 16F628A)
This project arose from the idea, an existing lathe as a machine for winding coils, transformers or other use inductors. This has been a revolution requires the counter is in a position to a selected number of revolutions to collect and reach the code via a relay contact suited to respond.
Now you can from this semi Layup not expect it to reach the prescribed turns abruptly stops. For this reason, the code-counter in a position to repay wound coils again deducted from the result if the lathe in the other direction is operated.
Come out is now a universal code counter, with the help of an upstream pulse treatment is in a position to reliably advantages and momentum to count backwards. Of course, it is now no longer whether it is rotations, cargo or persons. Important is only that the sensor, in this under two Photointerrupters, correctly positioned and is adjusted.
Detailed instructions for adjusting the sensor can be removed SCM. Should the counter despite correct setting and adjustment does not work, then the two optional pulse series to replace.
The hardware and software was on the evaluation board flash of inspiration with the PIC BASIC compiler iL_BAS16Pro developed and Tested.
A glance at the circuit shows that the largest expense in the pulse treatment was operated. The anti-coincidence circuit ensures that depending on the direction of rotation, only one pulse series is issued. A special feature at this point, here are the two fork light barriers. Used this type can make a TTL Schmitt-trigger input directly and without pullup resistor control. The approximately 500 µsec output pulses go from there directly to the PIC ports RB6 and RB7. The PIC itself now has the task to incoming pulses to count and evaluate. He also controls the LCD display and the relay. In addition, he has the three keys to commands, including those for setting the counter code are required.
Here are the guaranteed Technical Data:
• Forward and backward counters
• Max Counting is at least 50 Hz
• counting range from 0 to 59999
• 3 modes: counters set, counters standby, counters active
Outdoor thermometer (pic-16f628)
For the measurements of temperatures, there are many possibilities. Here I would like to find a solution before the bodies on a PIC 16F628A in connection with a TSic-506F-based temperature sensor. The sensor provides the measurement as digital information through a wire ZAC communication protocol, so that you save lengthy reconciliation can work. The sensor works very quickly and accurately and is characterized by its high resolution.
A glance at the circuit shows that to realize not too much hardware is needed. The sensor signal reaches directly through the port ra0 in the PIC. After decoding the reading reached on the port RB for LED display. To control the LED display is a 4-digit counter IC ZN1040E of the type used by Ferranti.
Depending on the position of the jumper is the display in ° ° Celsius or Fahrenheit which is also quite right on the 7-segment display by a C or F displayed. Please note that these 7-segment display practically standing on its head and the decimal point in this case ° represent. For negative temperatures will display the far left with a minus sign progress made.
After about a minute the ad will be running dark to save power. With one of the two Reed (see black rect blocks and left in the photo), the ad again. By Reed is the other MIN MAX memory. An operation by Reed contacts, among other things, therefore, was elected to the tightness and the design of the enclosure by unsightly buttons to verschandeln. For the operation of the contacts necessary economic magnet hanging from a chain beneath the thermometer.
The sensor was used for protection against mechanical stress and well insulated from moisture in a metal tube placed. The metal tube is at the top end open, so that the air assum-affected flow past the sensor can.
The entire circuit we have a normal unstabilized fed AC adapter.
• Temperature Range: -10,0 … 60.0 degrees Celsius, or 14.0 … 99.9 ° Fahrenheit
• resolution of the sensor: 0034 ° Celsius or Fahrenheit 0.0612 °
• resolution of the display: 0.1 ° Celsius and 0.1 ° Fahrenheit
• Accuracy: / – 0.1 ° Celsius
• conversion of the sensor values with 32-bit arithmetic
• Temperature: IS, MIN and MAX temperature in 3 seconds
• Standby mode automatically after about 1 minute
Tachometer with LCD display (pic-16f628a)
For the measurement of speed and scale speeds, there are many possibilities. Here I would imagine a solution based on a PIC 16F628A based. The hardware and software was on the evaluation board flash of inspiration with the PIC BASIC compiler iL_BAS16 developed and Tested.
Hardware description:
A glance at the circuit shows that to realize not too much hardware is needed. Each sensor signal reaches the sensor plugs into a Schmitt trigger of type 74LS132. Here are the input pulses TTL fairly treated. Then reach the pulses on the counter 74LS92. The counter divides the input frequency by two and draw while sure that the impulse and break ratio of input pulses is exactly 1:1. This is an important prerequisite if measured over the command FREQIN take place. The assessment of the incoming pulses from the PIC is now depending on the type of operation carried out. Then come the result to an LCD display with 2 x 16 characters and can be stored keystroke. Is the maximum allowed speed of the opto-electronic Impulsgebers exceeded, audible sounds a warning about a buzzer. The buzzer silenced automatically when the limit was exceeded again.
The technical data used in the opto-electronic Impulsgebers be removed. The transmission speed of the wave to a sensor using a rubber cone. To measure the extent speed was friction on the axis of the donor adapted. The friction stems from a defective HP printers where the paper transport was responsible. His grip surface and good runout are ideal conditions for this measurement.
The technical data used in the contactless sensor can also be found in the datasheet. The signal of the sensor will have an operational amplifiers processed and strengthened so that it accordingly continue to be processed. The sensor is characterized by its high sensitivity and thus allows a very good detection of light and dark areas. Scattered light from the environment affects only slightly from interfering. The signal processing electronics in the housing of a scrapped place. Above all, the sensor was placed and awarded with little effort be mounted.
PICBASIC Projeleri Dosyalar için Kaynak http://il-online.de/il_app1.html
Şifre-Pass: 320volt.com
Yayım tarihi: 2008/11/24 Etiketler: microchip, microchip pic projeleri, pic devreleri, pic projeleri, PIC16F628 örnekleri, PIC16F628A, pic16f872, PIC16F877 örnekleri, picbasic, picbasic project
I am not able to find circuit and firmware (software) for the project
Preset counter with LCD display (PIC 16F628A) can any one help me?
Ashok [email protected]
All files alternative link http://rapidshare.com/files/214561869/picbasic-proje.rar