PIC16F84 ile 16 Çeşit Siren Devresi

| Mayıs 22, 2023 Tarihinde güncellendi
PIC16F84 ile 16 Çeşit Siren Devresi

16 çeşit siren devresi, Similasyonu çalıştırdıktan sonra 4 lü dip switch’i değişik pozisyonda seçerek 4×4=16 çeşit siren çalıştırabilirsiniz her seçim sonunda reset butonuna basmayı unutmayın. Orjinal ASM dosyası mevcuttur.

Örnek Siren Sesleri: Polis, telefon, bep, buzzer, laser vb.

Siren Devre Şeması
siren devresi

Kurulumunda siren devresinin çalışması için simülasyon üzerinde görülmeyen bağlantıların yapılması gereklidir pin 4 üzerindeki 1k direnç ok yönündeki ucu +5 volt besleme ile birleşecek osilatör için 4mhz kristal kullanılmalıdır

Siren Devresinin Kaynak assembly (asm) Kodu

;LABLE          OPCODE          OPERAND         COMMENTS
                list            R=DEC           ;Set radix to decimal
                list            P=16F84A         ;Set device to pic16F84
                list            F=INHX8m        ;Set format intel 8 bit merged 
;                list            F=picice        ;picice format
port_a          equ             5h              ;equate port a
port_b          equ             6h              ;equate port b
same            equ             1               ;same register
_pc             equ             02h             ;program counter
_rtcc           equ             01h             ;rtcc
indirect        equ             00h             ;indirect address contents
_fsr            equ             04h             ;file select register
_status         equ             03h             ;status register
_carry          equ             0               ;carry flag
_zero           equ             2               ;zero flag
;               equ             10h             ;
;               equ             11h             ;
;               equ             12h             ;
_lenth          equ             13h             ;
;               equ             17h             ;
temp1           equ             14h             ;
temp2           equ             15h             ;
temp3           equ             16h             ;
temp4           equ             1Ah             ;
temp5           equ             1Bh             ;
dipval          equ             1Ch             ;
;               equ             1Dh             ;
;               equ             1Eh             ;
;               equ             1Fh             ;
;               equ             0Fh             ;
;               equ             0Dh             ;
;               equ             0Bh             ;
;               equ             09h             ;
;               equ             08h             ;
;               equ             0Ah             ;
;               equ             0Eh             ;
_flags          equ             0Ch             ;flag register
;               equ             18h             ;
;               equ             19h             ;
;port b pin definitions
;                equ             3               ;
;                equ             2               ;
;                equ             1               ;
sir              equ             0               ;siren drive out
;               0                               0=siren sweep off
;                                               1=siren sweep on
;               1                               0=
;                                               1=
;               2                               0=
;                                               1=
;               3                               0=
;                                               1=
;               4                               0=
;                                               1=
;               5                               0=
;                                               1=
;               6                               0=
;                                               1=

;               7                               0=
;                                               1=

;page 0

                ORG             000h            ;originate code here

;Codes start here       
init            movlw           B'01111111'     ;7 output
                tris            port_b          ;
                clrf            port_b          ;resetting port b
                movlw           B'11111111'     ;
                tris            port_a          ;
                clrf            port_a          ;resetting port a
                movlw           B'00001111'     ;setup  wdt 128:1
                option                          ;pul ups off int clock enabled
                clrf            _flags          ;clear all flags
diptest         movf            port_b,w        ;get dip value
                movwf           dipval          ;
                comf            dipval,same     ;
                bcf             dipval,7        ;mask
                bcf             dipval,6        ;
                bcf             dipval,5        ;
                bcf             dipval,4        ;
                movlw           15              ;
                subwf           dipval,w        ;
                btfsc           _status,_carry  ;set is pos
                goto            op              ;
                movlw           14              ;
                subwf           dipval,w        ;
                btfsc           _status,_carry  ;set is pos
                goto            op14            ;
                movlw           13              ;
                subwf           dipval,w        ;
                btfsc           _status,_carry  ;set is pos
                goto            op13            ;
                movlw           12              ;
                subwf           dipval,w        ;
                btfsc           _status,_carry  ;set is pos
                goto            op12            ;
                movlw           11              ;
                subwf           dipval,w        ;
                btfsc           _status,_carry  ;set is pos
                goto            op11            ;
                movlw           10              ;
                subwf           dipval,w        ;
                btfsc           _status,_carry  ;set is pos
                goto            op10            ;
                movlw           9               ;
                subwf           dipval,w        ;
                btfsc           _status,_carry  ;set is pos
                goto            op9             ;
                movlw           8               ;
                subwf           dipval,w        ;
                btfsc           _status,_carry  ;set is pos
                goto            op8             ;
                movlw           7               ;
                subwf           dipval,w        ;
                btfsc           _status,_carry  ;set is pos
                goto            op7             ;
                movlw           6               ;
                subwf           dipval,w        ;
                btfsc           _status,_carry  ;set is pos
                goto            op6             ;
                movlw           5               ;
                subwf           dipval,w        ;
                btfsc           _status,_carry  ;set is pos
                goto            op5             ;
                movlw           4               ;
                subwf           dipval,w        ;
                btfsc           _status,_carry  ;set is pos
                goto            op4             ;
                movlw           3               ;
                subwf           dipval,w        ;
                btfsc           _status,_carry  ;set is pos
                goto            op3             ;
                movlw           2               ;
                subwf           dipval,w        ;
                btfsc           _status,_carry  ;set is pos
                goto            op2             ;
                movlw           1               ;
                subwf           dipval,w        ;
                btfsc           _status,_carry  ;set is pos
                goto            op1             ;
                goto            op              ;

op              bsf             _flags,0        ;fast sweep
                movlw           250             ;
                movwf           temp2           ;sweep = 255
                movlw           5               ;255 /10 th = variable rate 5
                movwf           _lenth          ;
                movlw           3               ;
                movwf           temp3           ;pitch preset to 25
siren           bsf             port_b,7        ;beeper on
                call            pit             ;variable pitch
                bcf             port_b,7        ;beeper off
                call            pit             ;variable pitch
                decfsz          temp2,same      ;sweep timer
                goto            var             ;
                movlw           250             ;reset sweep timer
                movwf           temp2           ;
                goto            tog             ;toggle if sweep over

tog             btfsc           _flags,0        ;test if sweep off
                goto            down            ;pitch down
                goto            up              ;pitch up
down            bcf             _flags,0        ;
                goto            siren           ;
up              bsf             _flags,0        ;
                goto            siren           ;

var             decfsz          _lenth,same     ;
                goto            siren           ;
                btfsc           _flags,0        ;test if sweep up or down
                goto            re              ;
                decfsz          temp3,same      ;
                goto            qw1             ;
                bsf             _flags,0        ;
qw1             movlw           5               ;reset /10      5
                movwf           _lenth          ;
                goto            siren           ;
re              incf            temp3,same      ;
                movlw           5               ;
                movwf           _lenth          ;reset /10      5
                goto            siren           ;

pit             movf            temp3,w         ;
                movwf           temp4           ;
g               clrwdt                          ;kick dog
                decfsz          temp4,same      ;
                goto            g               ;
                retlw           0               ;

op1             bsf             _flags,0        ;very slow sweep
                movlw           230             ;
                movwf           temp2           ;sweep = 255
                movlw           3               ;255 /10 th = variable rate
                movwf           _lenth          ;
                movlw           85              ;
                movwf           temp3           ;pitch preset to 25
siren1          bsf             port_b,7        ;beeper on
                call            pit             ;variable pitch
                bcf             port_b,7        ;beeper off
                call            pit             ;variable pitch
                decfsz          temp2,same      ;sweep timer
                goto            var1            ;
                movlw           230             ;reset sweep timer
                movwf           temp2           ;
                goto            tog1            ;toggle if sweep over

tog1            btfsc           _flags,0        ;test if sweep off
                goto            down1           ;pitch down
                goto            up1             ;pitch up
down1           bcf             _flags,0        ;
                goto            siren1          ;
up1             bsf             _flags,0        ;
                goto            siren1          ;

var1            decfsz          _lenth,same     ;
                goto            siren1          ;
                btfsc           _flags,0        ;test if sweep up or down
                goto            re1             ;
                decf            temp3,same      ;
                movlw           3               ;reset /10
                movwf           _lenth          ;
                goto            siren1          ;
re1             incf            temp3,same      ;
                movlw           3               ;
                movwf           _lenth          ;reset /10
                goto            siren1          ;

op2             bsf             _flags,0        ;medium sweep
                movlw           10              ;
                movwf           temp3           ;pitch preset to 25
siren2          bsf             port_b,7        ;beeper on
                call            pit             ;variable pitch
                bcf             port_b,7        ;beeper off
                call            pit             ;variable pitch
                goto            var2            ;

var2            btfsc           _flags,0        ;test if sweep up or down
                goto            re2             ;
                decfsz          temp3,same      ;
                goto            siren2          ;
                bsf             _flags,0        ;
                incf            temp3,same      ;
                goto            siren2          ;
re2             incf            temp3,same      ;
                movlw           150             ;
                subwf           temp3,w         ;
                btfsc           _status,_carry  ;set if pos
                bcf             _flags,0        ;
                goto            siren2          ;

op3             bsf             _flags,0        ;police siren
                movlw           5               ;sweep delay timer
                movwf           temp1           ;
                movlw           255             ;
                movwf           temp2           ;sweep = 255
                movlw           255             ;
                movwf           temp3           ;pitch preset to 25
siren3          bsf             port_b,7        ;beeper on
                call            pit             ;variable pitch
                bcf             port_b,7        ;beeper off
                call            pit             ;variable pitch
                decfsz          temp1,same      ;delay sweep
                goto            siren3          ;
                movlw           5               ;reset delayed sweep
                movwf           temp1           ;
                btfsc           _flags,0        ;test if up or down sweep
                goto            m1              ;
                goto            m2              ;
m1              decfsz          temp2,same      ;sweep timer
                goto            var3            ;
                goto            tog3            ;toggle if sweep over
m2              movlw           5               ;
                subwf           temp2,same      ;
                movf            temp2,w         ;
                btfsc           _status,_zero   ;
                goto            var3            ;
                goto            tog3            ;toggle if sweep over

tog3            btfsc           _flags,0        ;test if sweep off
                goto            down3           ;pitch down
                goto            up3             ;pitch up
down3           bcf             _flags,0        ;
                goto            siren3          ;
up3             bsf             _flags,0        ;
                goto            siren3          ;

var3            btfsc           _flags,0        ;test if sweep up or down
                goto            re3             ;
                decf            temp3,same      ;
                goto            siren3          ;
re3             movlw           255             ;
                subwf           temp3,w         ;
                btfsc           _status,_carry  ;set is positive
                bcf             _flags,0        ;
                incf            temp3,same      ;
                goto            siren5          ;

op4             bsf             _flags,0        ;slow rise
                movlw           6               ;sweep delay timer
                movwf           temp1           ;
                movlw           255             ;
                movwf           temp2           ;sweep = 255
                movlw           255             ;
                movwf           temp3           ;pitch preset to 25
siren4          bsf             port_b,7        ;beeper on
                call            pit             ;variable pitch
                bcf             port_b,7        ;beeper off
                call            pit             ;variable pitch
                decfsz          temp1,same      ;delay sweep
                goto            siren4          ;
                movlw           6               ;reset delayed sweep
                movwf           temp1           ;
                btfss           _flags,0        ;test if up or down sweep
                goto            m3              ;
                goto            m4              ;
m3              decfsz          temp2,same      ;sweep timer
                goto            var4            ;
                goto            tog4            ;toggle if sweep over
m4              movlw           5               ;
                subwf           temp2,same      ;
                movf            temp2,w         ;
                btfsc           _status,_zero   ;
                goto            var4            ;
                goto            tog4            ;toggle if sweep over

tog4            btfsc           _flags,0        ;test if sweep off
                goto            down4           ;pitch down
                goto            up4             ;pitch up
down4           bcf             _flags,0        ;
                goto            siren4          ;
up4             bsf             _flags,0        ;
                goto            siren4          ;

var4            btfsc           _flags,0        ;test if sweep up or down
                goto            re4             ;
                decf            temp3,same      ;
                goto            siren4          ;
re4             movlw           255             ;
                subwf           temp3,w         ;
                btfsc           _status,_carry  ;set is positive
                bcf             _flags,0        ;
                incf            temp3,same      ;
                goto            siren5          ;

op5             bsf             _flags,0        ;ultra low sweep (air raid)
                movlw           20              ;sweep delay timer
                movwf           temp1           ;
                movlw           255             ;
                movwf           temp2           ;sweep = 255
                movlw           255             ;
                movwf           temp3           ;pitch preset to 25
siren5          bsf             port_b,7        ;beeper on
                call            pit             ;variable pitch
                bcf             port_b,7        ;beeper off
                call            pit             ;variable pitch
                decfsz          temp1,same      ;delay sweep
                goto            siren5          ;
                movlw           20              ;reset delayed sweep
                movwf           temp1           ;
                decfsz          temp2,same      ;sweep timer
                goto            var5            ;
                goto            tog5            ;toggle if sweep over

tog5            btfsc           _flags,0        ;test if sweep off
                goto            down5           ;pitch down
                goto            up5             ;pitch up
down5           bcf             _flags,0        ;
                goto            siren5          ;
up5             bsf             _flags,0        ;
                goto            siren5          ;

var5            btfsc           _flags,0        ;test if sweep up or down
                goto            re5             ;
                decf            temp3,same      ;
                goto            siren5          ;
re5             movlw           255             ;
                subwf           temp3,w         ;
                btfsc           _status,_carry  ;set is positive
                bcf             _flags,0        ;
                incf            temp3,same      ;
                goto            siren5          ;

op6             bsf             _flags,0        ;two tone high pitch
                movlw           2               ;sweep delay timer
                movwf           temp1           ;
                movlw           255             ;
                movwf           temp2           ;sweep = 255
                movlw           50              ;
                movwf           temp3           ;pitch preset to 25
siren6          bsf             port_b,7        ;beeper on
                call            pit             ;variable pitch
                bcf             port_b,7        ;beeper off
                call            pit             ;variable pitch
                decfsz          temp1,same      ;delay sweep
                goto            siren6          ;
                movlw           2               ;reset delayed sweep
                movwf           temp1           ;
                decfsz          temp2,same      ;sweep timer
                goto            siren6          ;
                btfsc           _flags,0        ;test if high or low
                goto            m5              ;
                goto            m6              ;
m5              movlw           20              ;
                movwf           temp3           ;
                bcf             _flags,0        ;
                goto            siren6          ;
m6              movlw           50              ;
                movwf           temp3           ;
                bsf             _flags,0        ;
                goto            siren6          ;

op7             bsf             _flags,0        ;continues
                movlw           40              ;
                movwf           temp3           ;pitch preset to 25
siren7          bsf             port_b,7        ;beeper on
                call            pit             ;variable pitch
                bcf             port_b,7        ;beeper off
                call            pit             ;variable pitch
                goto            siren7          ;

op8             movlw           40              ;telephone
                movwf           temp3           ;pitch preset to 25
                movlw           100              ;
                movwf           _lenth          ;lenth timer
siren8          bsf             port_b,7        ;beeper on
                call            pit             ;variable pitch
                bcf             port_b,7        ;beeper off
                call            pit             ;variable pitch
                decfsz          _lenth,same     ;
                goto            siren8          ;
                movlw           100             ;reset lenth timer
                movwf           _lenth          ;
                movlw           50              ;
                movwf           temp3           ;pitch preset to 25
siren9          bsf             port_b,7        ;beeper on
                call            pit             ;variable pitch
                bcf             port_b,7        ;beeper off
                call            pit             ;variable pitch
                decfsz          _lenth,same     ;
                goto            siren9          ;
                movlw           100             ;reset lenth timer
                movwf           _lenth          ;
                goto            op8             ;

op9             movlw           40              ;buzzer
                movwf           temp3           ;pitch preset to 25
                movlw           2               ;
                movwf           _lenth          ;lenth timer
siren10          bsf             port_b,7       ;beeper on
                call            pit             ;variable pitch
                bcf             port_b,7        ;beeper off
                call            pit             ;variable pitch
                decfsz          _lenth,same     ;
                goto            siren10         ;
                movlw           2               ;reset lenth timer
                movwf           _lenth          ;
                movlw           255             ;
                movwf           temp3           ;pitch preset to 25
siren11         bsf             port_b,7        ;beeper on
                call            pit             ;variable pitch
                bcf             port_b,7        ;beeper off
                call            pit             ;variable pitch
                decfsz          _lenth,same     ;
                goto            siren11         ;
                movlw           2               ;reset lenth timer
                movwf           _lenth          ;
                goto            op9             ;

op10            bsf             _flags,0        ;laser shoot fast
                movlw           1               ;sweep delay timer
                movwf           temp1           ;
                movlw           255             ;
                movwf           temp2           ;sweep = 255
                movlw           255             ;
                movwf           temp3           ;pitch preset to 25
siren12         bsf             port_b,7        ;beeper on
                call            pit             ;variable pitch
                bcf             port_b,7        ;beeper off
                call            pit             ;variable pitch
                decfsz          temp1,same      ;delay sweep
                goto            siren12         ;
                movlw           1               ;reset delayed sweep
                movwf           temp1           ;
                btfsc           _flags,0        ;test if up or down sweep
                goto            m11             ;
                goto            m12             ;
m11             decfsz          temp2,same      ;sweep timer
                goto            var11           ;
                goto            tog13           ;toggle if sweep over
m12             movlw           5               ;
                subwf           temp2,same      ;
                movf            temp2,w         ;
                btfsc           _status,_zero   ;
                goto            var11            ;
                goto            tog13            ;toggle if sweep over

tog13           btfsc           _flags,0        ;test if sweep off
                goto            down13          ;pitch down
                goto            up13            ;pitch up
down13          bcf             _flags,0        ;
                goto            siren12         ;
up13            bsf             _flags,0        ;
                goto            siren12         ;

var11           btfsc           _flags,0        ;test if sweep up or down
                goto            re13            ;
                decf            temp3,same      ;
                goto            siren12         ;
re13            movlw           255             ;
                subwf           temp3,w         ;
                btfsc           _status,_carry  ;set is positive
                bcf             _flags,0        ;
                incf            temp3,same      ;
                goto            siren12         ;

op11            bsf             _flags,0        ;laser shoot slow
                movlw           2               ;sweep delay timer
                movwf           temp1           ;
                movlw           255             ;
                movwf           temp2           ;sweep = 255
                movlw           255             ;
                movwf           temp3           ;pitch preset to 25
siren13         bsf             port_b,7        ;beeper on
                call            pit             ;variable pitch
                bcf             port_b,7        ;beeper off
                call            pit             ;variable pitch
                decfsz          temp1,same      ;delay sweep
                goto            siren13         ;
                movlw           2               ;reset delayed sweep
                movwf           temp1           ;
                btfsc           _flags,0        ;test if up or down sweep
                goto            m13             ;
                goto            m14             ;
m13             decfsz          temp2,same      ;sweep timer
                goto            var13           ;
                goto            tog14           ;toggle if sweep over
m14             movlw           5               ;
                subwf           temp2,same      ;
                movf            temp2,w         ;
                btfsc           _status,_zero   ;
                goto            var13            ;
                goto            tog14            ;toggle if sweep over

tog14           btfsc           _flags,0        ;test if sweep off
                goto            down14          ;pitch down
                goto            up14            ;pitch up
down14          bcf             _flags,0        ;
                goto            siren13         ;
up14            bsf             _flags,0        ;
                goto            siren13         ;

var13           btfsc           _flags,0        ;test if sweep up or down
                goto            re14            ;
                decf            temp3,same      ;
                goto            siren13         ;
re14            movlw           255             ;
                subwf           temp3,w         ;
                btfsc           _status,_carry  ;set is positive
                bcf             _flags,0        ;
                incf            temp3,same      ;
                goto            siren13         ;

op12            bsf             _flags,0        ;continues pulsed
                movlw           40              ;
                movwf           temp3           ;pitch preset to 25
                movlw           255             ;pulse timer
                movwf           temp5           ;
siren14         bsf             port_b,7        ;beeper on
                call            pit             ;variable pitch
                bcf             port_b,7        ;beeper off
                call            pit             ;variable pitch
                decfsz          temp5,same      ;
                goto            siren14         ;
qw3             clrwdt                          ;kick dog
                call            pit             ;
                decfsz          temp5,same      ;
                goto            qw3             ;
                decfsz          temp3           ;
                goto            qw3             ;
                goto            op12            ;

op13            bsf             _flags,0        ;double sweep fast
                movlw           200             ;
                movwf           temp3           ;pitch preset to 25
siren15         bsf             port_b,7        ;beeper on
                call            pit             ;variable pitch
                bcf             port_b,7        ;beeper off
                call            pit             ;variable pitch
                decfsz          temp3,same      ;
                goto            siren15         ;
                movlw           200             ;
                movwf           temp3           ;
                goto            siren15         ;

op14            bsf             _flags,0        ;
                movlw           10              ;
                movwf           temp3           ;pitch preset to 25
siren16         bsf             port_b,7        ;beeper on
                call            pit             ;variable pitch
                bcf             port_b,7        ;beeper off
                call            pit             ;variable pitch
                movlw           1               ;
                addwf           temp3,same      ;
                goto            siren16         ;

                org             3ffh            ;
                goto            init            ;
                END                             ;

Devrenin Kaynak isis simülasyon ve hex asm vb.


Şifre-Pass: 320volt.com

Yayım tarihi: 2008/11/05 Etiketler: , , ,

5 Yorum “PIC16F84 ile 16 Çeşit Siren Devresi

  1. alisalis

    teşekurler swicle seçmeden olmazmı yani her melodi için bir buton yada secimi daha kolay yapacak bir yöntem

  2. oktayoktay

    arkadaşım paylaşım için sağ ol yanlız bir kaç şey sormak istiyorum kristali hangi bacaklar arasına bağlayacağız birde hoparlörden çıkan sesin desibeli nedir yanıtınızı acele bekliyorum şimdiden teşekkürler

  3. Alper doğanAlper doğan

    bu devrede nasıl bir speaker kullanacağız bir de sesi arttırmak için devreye anfi bağlasak olurmu ?

  4. ziyaretçiziyaretçi

    devre çalışmıyor hex dosyasında sıkıntı var


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