Tag: pic16f877 projects

microcontroller pic16f877 Circuits, pic16f877 Projects pic16f877 sample code pic16f877 applications

LM35 PIC16F877 Temperature Measurement and Graphic LCD Menu Design

| 2009/08/21

These circuits using CCS C Compiler and use of LM35 temperature sensor includes menu design on Graphic LCD. Menu selection, etc., especially on graphic LCD. one of the rare examples of issues on the Internet. (I call this menu control in this manner until the time that I could not find a sample circuit 😀…

Coil, Bobbin, Winding Counter Circuit PIC16F877 PicBasic

| 2009/07/10

@ Mustafa_cmbz of Picproj forum sharing my brother ever sip of counting projects PicBasic detailed project I have ever seen. Pressure. Hex files have pcb ares isis simulation. Thanks to those who contributed Scanning display and key-pad when working on one for myself and I thought I’d bobbin winder circuit and appeared something like that.…

Computer Controlled Home Automation Circuit PIC16F877 CCS C Visual Basic

| 2009/07/03

Basic home automation project can be an example with all the resources INFINITY side @ picproj on the forums shared software ccs-c prepared by the source. C. H ccsc codes isis simulation files and visual basic interface of the control program. VLPs,. Frm,. VBW code’s pic and computer via the serial port using the supplied…

PIC16F877 Digital Logic Integrated Test TTL IC Tester Circuit

| 2009/05/31

EPE magazine free distribute a project is actually a previous post could be added, but I want to isolate because too different circuit digital logic ICs with that circuit will test you can install on your computer that you program with visual tested as integrated data can be seen Circuit PIC16F877 based on computer communication…

PIC16F877 Stepper Motor Driver Circuit CCS C

| 2009/05/17

stepper motor drive circuit diagram ccs c code hex “check-16F877 pic stepper-motor control can be made back and forth provided with 2 × 16 LCD 12volt driver steps on the screen you can see the details bc548 transistors used in section CCS C Stepper Motor Driver PIC16F877 Stepper Motor Driver Circuit CCS C Project details…

PIC16F877 LCD Digital Thermometer Circuit DS18B20

| 2009/05/12

PIC16F877 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor and digital thermometer with LCD display have all the details. Thanks to those who contributed In this study, it is aimed to design a thermometer using electronic circuits and microcontroller. In the study, the working principle of the leds that light up in a changing order depending on the…

PIC16F877 Adjustable Digital Power Supply Circuit

| 2009/05/05

Adjustable microcontroller-controlled digital power supply project with all its details, volt and amperage values can be read on the LCD pcb box design 3D views There is source software prepared in c language. An applied project belonging to Elektor magazine. Digital power supply This project is a power supply modification published by Osvaldo Valdorre’s elektor…

Color Sense Circuit LCD PIC16F877 Picbasic Pro

| 2009/04/07

This circuit using a PIC 16F877 microcontroller LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) has been applied on the color sensor. For circuit design and printed circuit board operations and Proteus ISIS Proteus ARES program is used. The operating logic circuits in a closed environment in order of ARD flashing light emitted from the LEDs is based on…

LCD Stopwatch Countdown Counter Circuit with PIC16F877 Picbasic Pro

| 2009/04/07

This circuit using a PIC 16F877 microcontroller LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) application was made on the stopwatch and countdown. Counting the TMR0 interrupt for the microcontroller is used. For circuit design and printed circuit board operations and Proteus ISIS Proteus ARES program is used. Flow diagram of the circuit is as follows. Countdown Counter Circuit…

Antenna control ccs c with 16f877 button with LCD display

| 2009/03/14

A project made upon request by FxDev, which prepares CCS-C Codes, provides 2 buttons for direction control, the third button up and down, and the output to be 1 (+5v) when the desired output number appears on the LCD screen. You can add a transistor relay according to the element you will control by making…