LCD Stopwatch Countdown Counter Circuit with PIC16F877 Picbasic Pro

| July 18, 2023 Updated
LCD Stopwatch Countdown Counter Circuit with PIC16F877 Picbasic Pro

This circuit using a PIC 16F877 microcontroller LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) application was made on the stopwatch and countdown. Counting the TMR0 interrupt for the microcontroller is used. For circuit design and printed circuit board operations and Proteus ISIS Proteus ARES program is used. Flow diagram of the circuit is as follows.

Countdown Counter Circuit Front Panel


1: to move up in the menu and increase the value of the countdown timer button,

2: to move down the menu button and countdown timer reduction in the value,

3: confirm the selected menu button,

4: Stopwatch and countdown timer for the Start / Stop / Resume button,

5: Stopwatch and countdown timer countdown timer is reset and the hour, minute, second values ​​to be selected,





LCD Stopwatch Circuit Diagrams and PCB

kronometre-geri-sayim-devresi-150x150 kronometre-geri-sayim-baski-devre-150x150 kronometre-geri-sayim-pcb-150x150




PIC16F877 with LCD stopwatch and countdown counter all the files belonging to the isis circuit simulation software ares pcb and source files PicBasic pro files

LCD Stopwatch Countdown Counter Circuit with PIC16F877 Picbasic Pro


Published: 2009/04/07 Tags: , , ,

3 Comments “LCD Stopwatch Countdown Counter Circuit with PIC16F877 Picbasic Pro

  1. Electronics CircuitsElectronics Circuits

    Feedback PWM Motor Control Circuit with PIC16F628 L298

    Circuit L298 (bridge-mounted motor drive) and PIC16F628 microcontroller based on the stop, sudden stop, start, improve, finish, forward, rewind controls have brake position the motor generator to the state in case of falling energy battery again sending software in assembly language prepared. Asm. hex and isis proteus. DSN files available

    Feedback motor drive circuit

  2. SouthernerSoutherner

    Source files link is not working.

    How can the stopwatch be modified to add a relay or opto isolator and solid state relay to close when timer reaches 0?


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