Manuel Toroidal Core Winding Machine

| May 22, 2016 Updated
Manuel Toroidal Core Winding Machine

Video of the SMPS transformer winding shared “before” and “Handmade Toroidal transformer winding machine” to the writings of a Toroid Core Winding machine, additional more wanted to share the video with manual fine-wire or not a machine ideal for multi-turn windings, but a lot of work, especially if it will work in practice, but a lot of this type of DCDC converters toroidal core winding system, let’s see if we’ve added to the list, I gave a lot of the required machine enlightened …:)

Published: 2014/04/09 Tags:

2 Comments “Manuel Toroidal Core Winding Machine

  1. Electronics CircuitsElectronics Circuits

    SMPS Transformer Coil Transformer Calculation Programs

    Before “Advanced SMPS Transformer design program” ExcellentIT and “Ir2153 SG3525 Frequency Calculation Programs for Switch mode power supplies with raisers” shared a very useful programs. Programs prepared by Russian-born Vladimir Denisenko sharing a person known as a Russian electronic forum Starichok51.

    Starichok51 share of 18 program until it was presented as a very popular used Russian ExcellentIT have been translated into English (this work in some programs required) at the end of a very important program that added support for multiple languages.

  2. Elektronisch ProjekteElektronisch Projekte

    Manuel Ringkern-Wickelmaschine

    Video des Schaltnetzteil-Übertrager-Wicklung gemeinsamen “vor” und “handgefertigt Ringkern-Übertrager-Wickelmaschine” zu den Schriften von einem Toroid-Kern-Wickel-Maschine, zusätzlich mehr wollte das video mit manueller fein-Draht-oder nicht eine Maschine ist ideal für multi-turn-Wicklungen, aber eine Menge Arbeit, vor allem, wenn es in der Praxis funktionieren, aber eine Menge von dieser Art der DCDC-Wandler Ringkern-Wicklung system, lassen Sie uns sehen, wenn wir schon in die Liste eingetragen Ich gab eine Menge die benötigte Maschine erleuchteten …:)


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