RGB LED Air Writing Visual Basic CCS C PIC16F877

| August 2, 2019 Updated
RGB LED Air Writing Visual Basic CCS C PIC16F877

According to the air a lot of writing applications with a superior visual basic application control program prepared with the required text, printed in specified rek.

PIC16F877 microcontroller used in the air circuit writing code prepared by CCS C 8 RGB LED is used.

Prepared by: Mr.Korhan USLU – thanks to those who contributed to preparing

Visual Basic code generator rgb use of the program;

Visual Basic code generator rgb program use;


Text in Visual Basic to create and shape a program I wrote. I created the program code required for the formation of the shape and form of the sequence of the form C: \ rgb.txt and rgb1.txt also creates files. At first I was using direct sequence code to create text, but it was not enough memory of the bastard, I define the shape in series with the loop and I tried to show was a lot less space. My advice to use the resulting sequence into rgb1.txt. rgb1.txt extra consisting of 255 s 6 bytes deleted from the letter b Create a trailing space in the sense of a 255. Create combine writing letters. If you look at ccs c code can understand anyway. in each case that you create in the program to be inserted into the sequence rgb1.txt. Please note that there will not be deleted in the details.

Led RGB images and print writing in the air

8-rgb-leds-pic16f877-ccs-c-havada-yazi-pov-motor-120x120 ccsc-led-leds-rgbs-pov-text-havada-yazi-yazdirma-120x120 pov-leds-rgb-ccs-c-pic16f877-led-120x120 rgb-led-9v-battery-9volt-pil-pcb-plaket-ccs-c-rgb-120x120

RGB Led proteus isis scheme of the project, visual basic program and led ccs c code files:

FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-13910.zip

Published: 2011/02/03 Tags: , , ,

1 Comment “RGB LED Air Writing Visual Basic CCS C PIC16F877

  1. Electronics CircuitsElectronics Circuits

    dsPIC33FJ128GP Nokia 6100 LCD driver circuit ATmega168

    @ Erhan brother Atmega8 prepared with the application had shared (Atmel Atmega8 Nokia 6100 LCD (pcf8833) application) I In addition to the helpful one more example’ll share the codes and microchip dspıc33fj128gp both the Atmel ATmega168 microcontroller can be used with.

    Nokia 6100 test circuit


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