LED Projector Circuit

| August 3, 2019 Updated
LED Projector Circuit

About half are led projector average 210 units, all the LEDs on the PCB is placed with a 3x serial ports. White LEDs for lighting should be used, but you can specify the color of the led suit your mood. Draws 10mA 20mA to the LEDs 330ohm 160ohm would suggest that attracts circuit for LEDs is working with 12v circuit by changing the value of the resistor, the circuit can operate at lower voltages.

Proteus ARES PCB Circuit images belong to the projector;



If a remote area round lens 5mm LEDs illuminate a narrow zone LEDs illuminate the fungus would suggest if you have the circuit is normal for the LEDs on the system is extremely efficient. It is especially good for fishing buddies comfortable 12v 5A runs on battery. Mcd LED light power will be used and the quality is very important. If you use mushrooms led mc get at least 90 degrees in 2000. Circuit is modular panels according to need can be obtained by combining a stronger light power.

PCB Circuit Projector Proteus Ares

FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-20948.zip

Published: 2012/12/23 Tags: , ,

2 Comments “LED Projector Circuit

  1. Electronics CircuitsElectronics Circuits

    Transformerless Led Lighting Led Lamp Circuit

    Transformerless circuit with 220V AC LED lamp is working . Half -polar LEDs 1 uF capacitor to run the transformer is used instead . High- voltage transformerless all LEDs are connected in series to study the drawing of printed circuit boards have prepared accordingly during installation of the LEDs + – do not confuse ends .

    The amount of light lamps can be used as night work is not bad . Sink, small rooms , hallway lighting in places like enough. Use of LEDs that you have McD ( light power) not less than 2000 .. Transformerless about 55 pieces of white LEDs in LED lighting circuit is used.

  2. Elektronisch ProjekteElektronisch Projekte


    Etwa die Hälfte sind LED-Projektor durchschnittlich 210 Einheiten, alle LEDs auf der Platine ist mit einem 3x seriellen Ports platziert. Weiße LEDs für die Beleuchtung sollten verwendet werden, aber Sie können die Farbe der LED für Ihre Stimmung festlegen. Zeichnet 10mA 20mA zu den LEDs 330ohm 160ohm würde vorschlagen, dass Anziehung Schaltung für LEDs mit 12V-Schaltung arbeitet, indem Sie den Wert des Widerstands ändern, kann die Schaltung bei niedrigeren Spannungen arbeiten.

    Proteus ARES Leiterplatte Bilder gehören zum Projektor


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